Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Signs ...

There are signs all around ~ we just have to train our eyes to look for them; we have to open our ears to hear them; and we have to take time to feel their presence.

Feel like you are in a Mel Gibson flick yet?  Standing in the middle of a corn field?

At some point in our lives, we have all searched, craved, for signs.  Something, please, to tell us which way to go ~ which path to take ~ what is the right answer ~ just want should I do.

And, it doesn’t matter how certain we are in our current direction, as soon as an obstacle blocks our path ~ we begin to question.  And, we raise our hands toward the sky seeking a sign.

At this time, a couple of things pop into my head.

1.     Question:  What would Jesus do?  (Really, this is more than just a popular wrist band from 15 years ago ~ what would He do in this situation?)
2.     The Statement my wife taught me: What is popular is not always right.  And, what is right is not always popular.

So, what does this mean?  Where does that leave me?

Anyone who knows me or has been to one of my events ~ knows I am Mr. Visual ~ a million things going on at the same time.  You know, the pin ball.  Multi-tasking, bouncing from place to place.  Yet, with the pin ball if the ball doesn’t get bounced the right way (an obstacle), the ball wants to roll down and start all over again.

This weekend I stood in amazement of Erin’s (my wife) faith.  And, all I could was learn. 

Side Note:  God is my first rock (this is my belief ~ whatever you choose to believe at this very moment, believe it with all of your heart, live it to the fullest and if you are ready to talk about God, send me a message).

My earthly rock is Erin.  I am not putting her on pedestal or idolizing her.  But, I know I can learn from her and her relationship with God.

After dealing with a difficult client on Friday ~ I began to question the purpose in working with this person.  In fact, I actually thought about “firing my client.” LOL!  I was pretty fired up over it ~ frustrated.

Sharing my feelings with Erin.  She simply stated, “Keith, everything has a place and in every place we find a purpose.  Please go read my favorite verse Romans 8:28.

Background:  At the age of 17, Erin was in a very back car accident.  She was held by angels and only received a cracked sternum, bruises, and a swollen lip from the air bag.  Easily she could have been ejected from the car and killed.

There was purpose in her life continuing.  Through her my relationship with God has become clearer and stronger.

That night, her best friend woke up at 2 am with the verse, Romans 8:28.  The next morning, he brought that to her with a marigold. 

Why a marigold?  Marigolds are strong, resilient.  The marigold symbolizes passion and creativity. Of all the flowers typically seen in an American garden, the marigold never disappoints. From its resilience, outlasting most other annuals well into the fall months and thriving in even the hottest driest weather, to its intense fiery color, the lowly marigold fills in the bare garden spots more efficiently than many other flowers. Even its name suggests how intensely this humble flower brightens the landscape. Marigolds were also believed to encourage more cheerful conversations.

This is Erin.

Sunday ~ during church ~ I scanned our pastor’s “Talk it over notes” for the sermon.  And, I am sure you guess what happened.  There read, Romans 8:28.

And, the sign was received.  It was received because I was open to it.  I was ready for it.  I was the student.  When the student is ready … the teacher will appear.

What are you ready for in your life, right now?  Are you listening to the right people?  Where are your eyes ~ living in the past or dreaming of the future?

Your sign is waiting for you.  All you have to do is be ready!

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