Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Making Networking Work for You!

How do you make networking work for you? It is really quite easy.  When you decide you are willing to do what it takes to make success happen.

1. It is not about you … it is about them. When you meet someone at a networking event, do you go right into selling them? No, of course not. But, really in actuality, we do. From the introduction to every word we speak, we want the person we are having a conversation with to like us. Because we buy from those we like ~ those we trust. When we begin our conversation, it usually involves a series of questions to get to know the person better. Keep the focus on them. It is really good. Most people feel comfortable talking about themselves. And, you can see just how your product/service can benefit them ~ meet a need.

2. More than a business card. Most of us have heard the expression, “quantity over quality.” Same mentality when it comes to collecting business cards. You want to get to know the person before you get their contact info. A huge benefit when you are following up. Your new friend, “connection,” will remember you so much better. They won’t feel like just a number in the game called networking. Do you like it when someone pushes his/her way to your face demanding your card? Maybe you do, but when you start receiving all their emails, “spam,” you most likely ask to be taken off their list.
3. Help them remember your smiling face! Follow up … within 72 hours. Whether an email or a phone call ~ this is self-explanatory. Continue the connection before someone else does.

4. Use their language ~ build trust and rapport: The benefit to spending time connecting is your hear certain key words they use ~ whether it is “awesome,” “fabulous,” “outstanding,” etc. You can use those words back. And, the more time, the more you see and feel their energy, which, again, you can feed. Think about this when you are following up.

The key word: Awesome Energy: High

Hey Joe,

It was awesome connecting with you at the KFI event on March 23! I really enjoyed talking with you. Please look at your calendar and let me know when you have some time to meet this week.

Have an awesome day. Thank you in advance for your reply.



5. Set a time to meet again ~ Networking at its finest allows you to “sell” you immediately. When you have made a really good connection, go ahead and set the next meeting. If you don’t have your calendar on you, confirm to email each other some times to meet. It is up to you to make it happen.

6. Ask for a referral: Maybe your new friend doesn’t need your service/product. That is OK! Ask for a referral. Now that you are “friends” and understand what the other person offers … they will be more likely to refer. And, referrals are amazing things ~ warm leads! As a bonus, your new friend may just realize they do the product/service you offer!

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