Friday, January 28, 2011

7 Skills of a Person of Significant Influence

Whether or not you are think you are in sales, now is the time you can become a powerful persuader. So, how do you keep your potential customer’s attention long enough to showcase your business?  How do you get what you want?

Here are the 7 Skills of a Person of Significant Influence, which have helped me reach over 1 million people worldwide, and they’ll make your potential customer a loyal customer.

  1. Connect with the customer at the deepest level
Show your customer that you care – make eye contact, listen, repeat back to them what they are saying, and smile. 

  1. Get your customer in state.
Ask your potential customer, “What interested you in our store?” Or, “What attracted you to our table?”  These questions immediately put a positive reference in your customer’s mind.

  1. Get your customer clear.
    1. Ask your customer how you can help them.
    2. Tell them how your business or product can help them get what they want.
    3. Show them how you can help them achieve their wants.
  1. Give them the gift of rediscovering their true identity.
By connecting with your customer and helping them get clear, you are creating a loyal customer.

  1. Create an opening for transformation.
Show your customer that they are no longer willing to settle for anything.  Then, you can share with them how your product or service is superior.

  1. Enroll them in an action plan.
Tell your customer what they need to do next.  Examples:  Call me tomorrow.  Buy this product.  Visit my website.

  1. Commit; Resolve; Act
Compel your customer to take immediate action.  Example:  Which program are you going with today?  How much will you be donating today? How many boxes can I get for you?

These are 7 skills that you can begin immediately.  To get even more sales tips and information, please contact me today, about my upcoming teleclass, Sales secrets & Communication Magic.  During this 4 week class, you will learn the ultimate sales and influencing techniques so you can sell to anyone. Email me today!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

10 Ways to Create Inspiration

Do you ever feel stuck? Of course, we all do.  Whether we are looking for new business ideas, thinking of what we want our new radio ad to sound like, a new idea to drum up business, or even how to get your spouse to listen to you.

Here are 10 ways to create inspiration in your life, your business, or your relationships.

  1. Ask a child.  A child’s mind has no limitation.
  1. Create an idea that would get you fire.  This idea will get the brain fired up, and it will get you excited about all the possibilities you could do.
  1. Play a game.  This will allow you to think like a child and allows your mind to rest.
  1. Breathe slowly.  It is a proven fact that when you breathe slowly only good thoughts can stay in your mind.
  1. Go for a drive with the windows down.  Free your mind!
  1. Do a crossword puzzle.  Expand your mind! It will get you out of your normal thought box as the answers might not always be your first thought. 
  1. Write the alphabet backwards.  Your mind will begin to think from the opposite side that it normally thinks from because your brain is forced to work.
  1. Run.  The pounding of the pavement clears your mind and the rhythm creates a new thought pattern.
  1. Ask the least creative person you know.  You never know what someone might say
  1. Doodle and Pray.  Doodling allows time for your mind to brainstorm as it sets you in a creative trance. Praying reinforces faith and gives you clarity.
 So, the next time, you are looking for some inspiration in your business, remember these 10 ways that will get the ideas flowing.

Keith Froehling
The Mentor to Millions

Sales Spin

Just because you are talking to customers and telling them about your business, your company, your products, etc., doesn’t mean you are selling them.  Here are the 4 key things to keep in mind when selling your customers – whether you are speaking, writing content on your website, creating a promotional product, or designing a brochure. 

Remember to S.P.I.N.

  1. Situation: Finding out the basic facts about the existing situation that your customers are going through.  And, establish a relationship based upon this.  If you go the extra mile to research, you will excite your customers with the value you are providing, and you are connecting.  And, people buy from those they like! 
  1. Problem:  Ask your customers (potential customers) about problems, difficulties, and challenges that they might be facing.  People buy when they have needs and wants.  And needs almost always start with some type of problem they are facing.  Follow-up with questions to identify, clarify, and expand your buyer’s needs. Tell your customer how your product/service solves their problem.  
  1. Implication:  Understanding the consequences and impacts of the situation and problems that your customers face transforms their needs to “must haves.” It builds the significance and seriousness of the problems – large enough to justify action. You are talking and building a relationship with your customers so they justify buying your product. 
  1. Need Payoff:  Checking and assessing the value and usefulness of a solution in a positive manner and develop the buyer’s desire for a solution.  It will move the discussion toward action, commitment, and the purchase! Your customer wants to see the payoff from using your product/service. Show them! Tell them! Use emotion so they can feel it!

 When creating advertising materials and talking with customers, remember you are building a relationship.  You want your customer to like you. Relate to their needs and let them know how your product solves their problem. So, S.P.I.N.

Keith Froehling

Today, create your own happiness!

You are as happy as you want to be.  Today, create your own happiness!

What is visualization? Why is it important to life – to achieving your goals?  Visualization is seeing it! Hearing it! Feeling it! Believing it! Knowing it!

What ever it may be for you.

During the visualization process, remember, your mind does not know the difference between fantasy and reality.  You can convince your mind to believe what you choose.

Stay positive; just as you would while creating your affirmation.  Visualization is seeing and feeling your affirmations.  And, affirmations are speaking your visualizations into the universe.  And, your attitude is your ultimate power.  When you are positive, the result is abundance.  If you are negative, the results are not so good.

During your visualization it is important to check in with yourself – noticing your visualization environment.  You are keeping your mind, body, and emotions connected to your goals and desires by feeling, hearing, seeing, smelling, and tasting the “universe” around you.

Dreams are as essential to life as air.

Visualization can be done in a variety of ways.  The most important part is being open to the possibilities and the abundance you will be offered.

Let’s do it.  Find a comfortable position.  Close your eyes – or leave them open – you are the master gardener – you choose what feels right for you.  Now, clear your mind.  A clear intention will put your glorious unstoppable mind on notice to start tilling the soil your goals are planted in.

Feel yourself floating.  Give yourself permission.  Know it is all positive.  You are at peace.  How do you feel?  What do you see around you?  Now, picture your affirmations.  Pretend they have come to life.  What do you want?  What do want others to say to you? About you?

What is it going to take to make that happen?  Picture yourself taking these actions.  Feel it. See it.  Now, take the leap of faith.  Go ahead.  It’s safe.  You are nurturing your goals and your dreams.  Now your vision will become a reality.  You are a vision of greatness.  You now live with your desire manifested – your goal accomplished.

What does it look like?  What sounds are around you?  Think about what success/accomplishment feels like.  Notice every piece of the universe.  Add powerful, positive colorful images.  Now use all of your senses – smell, touch, sight, taste, and sight.  You are creating your success blockbuster movie!

The world is but a canvas for our imagination.  – Thoreau

You are expecting and creating the best for you. You might be thinking, “I don’t know what I want in life.  I have gotten off path. If only I was 7 again, I could do it all over the way I wanted.

PERFECT.  Let’s do it that way.  You can ask the child you!  Before you ask, know that you are worthy of achieving abundance in your life.  For the “child you” know nothing less.

What did you enjoy doing when you were little?  Was it dancing? Playing in the dirt? Basketball?  Your chemistry set?  Were you a rock star singing in front of the mirror with your hairbrush microphone?

Whatever you enjoyed, you enjoyed it because the child mind has not limits on the possibilities.  A child believes everything is possible.  The “child you” truly believe with a full heart that you were going to be President, the first astronaut to land on Mars, or even, the next Elvis.

Now, let’s meet the “child you.”  Imagine your favorite childhood memory.  Picture what that experience is and remember why you enjoy it.  Why did you want to be a
 _(you fill in the blank)_______ when you grew up. 

Next, picture what you look like. (This could be what you looked like during this experience or whenever you feel you looked your best.)  Everything about you: face, hair, smile, eyes, freckles, clothes.  Really look into your eyes. What do you love most about this child?  Hold that memory.

Again, think about your dreams, your desires, and what you wanted to be when you grew up.  What excited you the most about achieving them?  Now, introduce the “adult you” to the “child you.”  What dreams and goals have you accomplished?  What excites you about achieving them?

Maybe you haven’t achieved all of your dreams. And, the “child you” asks you, “Are there any of my dreams that are still important to you?”  How do you respond?

So, you didn’t become President.  The key is understanding why you wanted to be President.  Is your current path allowing you those same benefits?  Then, maybe, just maybe, if you allow yourself, you have fulfilled your dreams.

Once you have completed the visualization process, it is time to journal.  Write down everything that you see, feel.  Remember what people were saying about you.  What did achievement feel like?  What did your garden of abundance smell like?

It is time now to put the action steps you saw yourself taking into existence.  Show the universe you are ready to receive.  Believe you have already received your desires.  And, let it be.

Affirmations + Emotion = Triumphs

             Are you ready to plant the seeds of success?  Let me hear you say, “Yes!”  Shout it.  Pump your hands in the air. Now, take a moment.  Put some “dancing” music on.  Notice the smells in the air.
            Remember this moment.  You have planted the first seeds of your success.  You have created your “YES” affirmation state – or emotion.
            As you travel down your path to becoming a Master Gardener, it is important to nurture your goals.  Affirmations are the miracle boost to your garden of goals.
            We all have goals.  What do you do to achieve them? Do you set intentions? Have you created affirmations?  Are you using them on a daily basis? With emotion?  Affirmations are the sunshine needed to lovingly and patiently bring your goals to fruition.  Affirmations are your beliefs.

  • I am a loving, giving, and caring person.
  • I know I can!
  • I deserve success!
  • My ACTIONS take me closer to my goals.

These are powerful, amazing affirmation.  And you can say them all day long. The important keys are: how you say it and what you feel when you say it.
Remember, when we speak our affirmations, we are speaking our desires into the universe – into existence.  So, when you speak your desires into existence, what is the rest of your body doing?  Why would you want to bring your desires into existence feeling passionless or just plain BLAH? 

What emotions are being stirred inside of you right now?

As you are creating positive passionate emotions, you must keep your affirmation language positive.  Protect and nurture your goals.  Your mind craves and responds to the positive, life empowering directives you plant in your garden of goals. (Just in case those negative thoughts pop into your head, gently brush them aside.)
Water your seeds of success (your affirmations) with emotions.  Feel your life’s desires.  Get all of your senses involved.

·      Visualize yourself achieving your goals.
·      What do you hear people saying to you? About you?
·      Feel how good Achievement is!
·      What does success taste like?
·      Smell.  Yes, remember what it all smells like.

You might ask, “What does smell have to do my affirmations, with my goals?”  Smell is the number one state inducer.  Think about your favorite holiday moment – or even favorite moment.  Can you smell the turkey cooking?  The cookies baking?  The first breath of that wonderful salty sea air? The smell of a loved one’s favorite cologne or perfume?  How does it make you feel?  What memories come flooding back into your mind?  You have aligned your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  Just as you must align your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions in achieving your goals.
It is important to align your words with your emotions and actions, because make up only 7 percent of communication.  Your voice qualities (emotion in your voice) are 28 percent.  And, your body language is a “WOW” 65 percent of communication.  When you stating your affirmations, you are communicating with yourself and the universe.  It is your positive communication with yourself.  We self talk 500 words per minute – and most of the time, it is negative.  Affirmations change how we communicate with ourselves – and the universe.
We get what we focus on.  If you are focusing on the negative, what do you think you are going to get?  When you focus on the positive, the world is yours.  Your goals blossom – they become reality!
Affirming your goals with emotion will prove to rocket the growth of your goals and your life.  With each decision you make, you are the creator of your life.  You are the Master Gardener.

Marketing with Integrity

Are you looking for the secret to advertising success?  Now, it is your lucky day. These “13 Keys to Marketing with Integrity” will give you the extra push (or edge) on your competition.  Okay all you left-brain thinkers out there, try these “right” creative concepts and see a change.

1. Think audiences not markets
What's your market? That is usually your first question.  Then, you define them such as “18-34-year-old, single male college graduates with a dog named Spot” or maybe “45-59-year-old married women who hate their husbands.”  Think audiences. Audiences need to be entertained, enlightened, and engaged; and if your advertising is not doing this, your desired goals will not be achieved. It is time to rethink how you're delivering your marketing message.

2. Customers are People
You spend so much time analyzing where you are going to spend your marketing/advertising dollars.  Think of all your potential customers looking at your ads – TV, newspaper, magazines, etc.  How many actually call you or come by your store? Stop treating potential customers as if they are already customers and start treating them like people. That is what they are. And, they all have wants, goals, desires, and money! And remember you can satisfy their wants, needs, and desires.

3. Think experiences not features
Bought any good features lately? Nobody buys features. People buy positive experiences. It could be soft fuzzy slippers or a new computer. People are paying for the experience of you.
Does your advertising offer an experience? Does it explain the experience your product or service delivers? If it doesn't, then you really haven't got anything anybody wants.

4. Emotions Create Memories
People buy for emotional reasons.  Try to explain the logic in the purchase of those leather pants you bought or the huge plasma TV you bought just to watch the Super Bowl? We all make purchases based on what we want. Then later we justify them with seemingly sensible rationalizations. So, appeal to the feel-good aspects of emotional advertising and selling. Human beings live in the past. Our plans for the future are based on experiences and memories. Think about your most prized possession.  Is the object really important? The significance behind the possession is attached to the memories, people, places, and events that shaped the experience.

Real marketing: creating a long-term relationship: is based on delivering memories and emotions. 

5. Tell a Story
Stories, everyone loves stories. Story has been a form of media since the beginning of time.  They were passed down from generations and important messages were delievered by word of mouth. 

Nothing informs, engages, and entertains like a good story: Sounds to me like one heck of a way to sell to an audience desperate for meaningful communication.

6. Bring in the Focus
There you go again, telling everyone who will listen all the wonderful things you and your company can do. Trouble is, telling them all those things just confuses them.

What is the product or service that is most important to your company, the one you are determined to sell to your audience? That's the one you want to talk about. That's the one you want to devote your marketing effort to promoting. That's the one you want people to think about when they hear your name or see your logo.

Focus your communication ,else your message will just be a forgettable, blur.

7. Think campaigns not ads
Isolated one-time advertisements are like one-night-stands: exciting for a while, but ultimately unfulfilling and devoid of meaning. Your audience is looking for marriage, not a short-term fling.
Your marketing has to woo your visitors with long-term campaigns that tell your story and deliver your focused message; audiences expect to be courted and counseled with meaningful communication. And that takes time and commitment. If you're spending money on just ads, you might as well be throwing that money down the drain. There is a better way. So if you're looking for a long-term relationship with your audience, think campaigns—not ads.

8. Think message not hype
What message are you delivering to your online visitors? Are you telling them you've got the best product, at the best price, with the best staff, and world-class customer service? Is that what you saying? Guess what? Nobody cares, because nobody believes you.

There is only one way to show people you're the best and that is to prove it; but here's the catch, you can't prove it until they become customers. Whoops. OK, so what's the solution? How about a real marketing message that speaks to what your audience really wants. It's not about you, it's about them.

9. Think branding not copyrights
Hey, I love the Beatles. I grew up with them, and I have all their records—yea, records, like vinyl, not CDs. And guess what, I've also got a Mac, in fact I've got a bunch of them, not to mention iPods and other assorted Apple gizmos and gadgets. And you know something? I've never once got John, Paul, George, or Ringo confused with Steve Jobs. Amazing!

Worry just a little less about all that small-print stuff and more on building a memorable brand that people will remember, and that nobody will mistake for some johnny-come-lately imposter.

10. Think positioning not slogan
It's funny how people have a position on almost everything: You name the issue and people will have a definite opinion on what they think, except when it comes to their businesses. Just because you have a cute slogan that you print under your logo doesn't mean you own a position in your audience's minds.
It seems businesses can't stand to make a definitive statement about who they are and what they do. Why is that? Afraid they'll lose a customer, I guess; but if people don't understand exactly what you do, and why they should be doing business with you, then they're never going to be customers anyway.
No company can be all things to all people, and companies that try... never go anywhere. Tell people who you are and what you do, and forget about all the other stuff; it just gets in the way.

11. Think identity not logos
Is your company the equivalent of the invisible man? You're on the Web, but nobody cares because you're not saying anything worth listening to; and if they do see you, you are instantly forgettable.
You've got to have an identity, a personality, an image—and there is no better way to create that identity than with a video of a real person delivering your marketing message in an entertaining, memorable manner.

12. Think entertainment not biz-speak
Speaking of entertaining... you cannot engage, enlighten, or entertain if everything you present sounds and looks like it came from some b-school textbook or one of those self-help courses on direct marketing guaranteed to make you a millionaire in only three weeks.
Every business has a story to tell, and it can be presented in a compelling way with a little imagination and creativity. And yes, even B2B businesses can rise above the mundane and deadly boring if they take the time and make the effort.

13. Think communication not copy
Last but not least, let's all remember that Web sites are about communication. If you've got nothing to say, nothing to offer, or are afraid to say what you can do for your audience, then how do you expect to be successful?

Filling your Web pages with keyword-dense prose and instantly forgettable sales copy is not going to win the day.

Whether you are presenting your case in text, audio, or video, it had better be interesting and enlightening—even text can be entertaining if written with style and attitude.

When Web sites fail, they fail because they do not communicate a realistic, believable, convincing marketing message.