Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Affirmations + Emotion = Triumphs

             Are you ready to plant the seeds of success?  Let me hear you say, “Yes!”  Shout it.  Pump your hands in the air. Now, take a moment.  Put some “dancing” music on.  Notice the smells in the air.
            Remember this moment.  You have planted the first seeds of your success.  You have created your “YES” affirmation state – or emotion.
            As you travel down your path to becoming a Master Gardener, it is important to nurture your goals.  Affirmations are the miracle boost to your garden of goals.
            We all have goals.  What do you do to achieve them? Do you set intentions? Have you created affirmations?  Are you using them on a daily basis? With emotion?  Affirmations are the sunshine needed to lovingly and patiently bring your goals to fruition.  Affirmations are your beliefs.

  • I am a loving, giving, and caring person.
  • I know I can!
  • I deserve success!
  • My ACTIONS take me closer to my goals.

These are powerful, amazing affirmation.  And you can say them all day long. The important keys are: how you say it and what you feel when you say it.
Remember, when we speak our affirmations, we are speaking our desires into the universe – into existence.  So, when you speak your desires into existence, what is the rest of your body doing?  Why would you want to bring your desires into existence feeling passionless or just plain BLAH? 

What emotions are being stirred inside of you right now?

As you are creating positive passionate emotions, you must keep your affirmation language positive.  Protect and nurture your goals.  Your mind craves and responds to the positive, life empowering directives you plant in your garden of goals. (Just in case those negative thoughts pop into your head, gently brush them aside.)
Water your seeds of success (your affirmations) with emotions.  Feel your life’s desires.  Get all of your senses involved.

·      Visualize yourself achieving your goals.
·      What do you hear people saying to you? About you?
·      Feel how good Achievement is!
·      What does success taste like?
·      Smell.  Yes, remember what it all smells like.

You might ask, “What does smell have to do my affirmations, with my goals?”  Smell is the number one state inducer.  Think about your favorite holiday moment – or even favorite moment.  Can you smell the turkey cooking?  The cookies baking?  The first breath of that wonderful salty sea air? The smell of a loved one’s favorite cologne or perfume?  How does it make you feel?  What memories come flooding back into your mind?  You have aligned your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  Just as you must align your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions in achieving your goals.
It is important to align your words with your emotions and actions, because make up only 7 percent of communication.  Your voice qualities (emotion in your voice) are 28 percent.  And, your body language is a “WOW” 65 percent of communication.  When you stating your affirmations, you are communicating with yourself and the universe.  It is your positive communication with yourself.  We self talk 500 words per minute – and most of the time, it is negative.  Affirmations change how we communicate with ourselves – and the universe.
We get what we focus on.  If you are focusing on the negative, what do you think you are going to get?  When you focus on the positive, the world is yours.  Your goals blossom – they become reality!
Affirming your goals with emotion will prove to rocket the growth of your goals and your life.  With each decision you make, you are the creator of your life.  You are the Master Gardener.

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