Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today, create your own happiness!

You are as happy as you want to be.  Today, create your own happiness!

What is visualization? Why is it important to life – to achieving your goals?  Visualization is seeing it! Hearing it! Feeling it! Believing it! Knowing it!

What ever it may be for you.

During the visualization process, remember, your mind does not know the difference between fantasy and reality.  You can convince your mind to believe what you choose.

Stay positive; just as you would while creating your affirmation.  Visualization is seeing and feeling your affirmations.  And, affirmations are speaking your visualizations into the universe.  And, your attitude is your ultimate power.  When you are positive, the result is abundance.  If you are negative, the results are not so good.

During your visualization it is important to check in with yourself – noticing your visualization environment.  You are keeping your mind, body, and emotions connected to your goals and desires by feeling, hearing, seeing, smelling, and tasting the “universe” around you.

Dreams are as essential to life as air.

Visualization can be done in a variety of ways.  The most important part is being open to the possibilities and the abundance you will be offered.

Let’s do it.  Find a comfortable position.  Close your eyes – or leave them open – you are the master gardener – you choose what feels right for you.  Now, clear your mind.  A clear intention will put your glorious unstoppable mind on notice to start tilling the soil your goals are planted in.

Feel yourself floating.  Give yourself permission.  Know it is all positive.  You are at peace.  How do you feel?  What do you see around you?  Now, picture your affirmations.  Pretend they have come to life.  What do you want?  What do want others to say to you? About you?

What is it going to take to make that happen?  Picture yourself taking these actions.  Feel it. See it.  Now, take the leap of faith.  Go ahead.  It’s safe.  You are nurturing your goals and your dreams.  Now your vision will become a reality.  You are a vision of greatness.  You now live with your desire manifested – your goal accomplished.

What does it look like?  What sounds are around you?  Think about what success/accomplishment feels like.  Notice every piece of the universe.  Add powerful, positive colorful images.  Now use all of your senses – smell, touch, sight, taste, and sight.  You are creating your success blockbuster movie!

The world is but a canvas for our imagination.  – Thoreau

You are expecting and creating the best for you. You might be thinking, “I don’t know what I want in life.  I have gotten off path. If only I was 7 again, I could do it all over the way I wanted.

PERFECT.  Let’s do it that way.  You can ask the child you!  Before you ask, know that you are worthy of achieving abundance in your life.  For the “child you” know nothing less.

What did you enjoy doing when you were little?  Was it dancing? Playing in the dirt? Basketball?  Your chemistry set?  Were you a rock star singing in front of the mirror with your hairbrush microphone?

Whatever you enjoyed, you enjoyed it because the child mind has not limits on the possibilities.  A child believes everything is possible.  The “child you” truly believe with a full heart that you were going to be President, the first astronaut to land on Mars, or even, the next Elvis.

Now, let’s meet the “child you.”  Imagine your favorite childhood memory.  Picture what that experience is and remember why you enjoy it.  Why did you want to be a
 _(you fill in the blank)_______ when you grew up. 

Next, picture what you look like. (This could be what you looked like during this experience or whenever you feel you looked your best.)  Everything about you: face, hair, smile, eyes, freckles, clothes.  Really look into your eyes. What do you love most about this child?  Hold that memory.

Again, think about your dreams, your desires, and what you wanted to be when you grew up.  What excited you the most about achieving them?  Now, introduce the “adult you” to the “child you.”  What dreams and goals have you accomplished?  What excites you about achieving them?

Maybe you haven’t achieved all of your dreams. And, the “child you” asks you, “Are there any of my dreams that are still important to you?”  How do you respond?

So, you didn’t become President.  The key is understanding why you wanted to be President.  Is your current path allowing you those same benefits?  Then, maybe, just maybe, if you allow yourself, you have fulfilled your dreams.

Once you have completed the visualization process, it is time to journal.  Write down everything that you see, feel.  Remember what people were saying about you.  What did achievement feel like?  What did your garden of abundance smell like?

It is time now to put the action steps you saw yourself taking into existence.  Show the universe you are ready to receive.  Believe you have already received your desires.  And, let it be.

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