Monday, April 25, 2011

Almost 2000 years ago ...

Yesterday was Easter.  I am proud to claim that I am a Christian, and I celebrate this day as part of my rebirth.

It is because of Jesus' death and resurrection that I may choose life.  Today, as everyday, I take a few moments throughout the day to be grateful ... to appreciate the opportunity to have an earthly relationship and heavenly relationship with Our Father because of His Son ~ Jesus.    

During the day today ... breaktfast with the family, church with our extended family, lunch with the in-laws, and now relaxing watching the Predators' game (LOL!) ~ 2 songs have been singing in my head and heart.

"From the cross to the grave from the grave to the sky ... Lord I lift your name on HIGH!"

... and ...

"Our God is greater ... Our God is stronger ... God you are higher than any other.  Our God is healer, awesome in power, our God.  And, if our God is for us, who can be against? And if our with us, what can stand against?"

And, I have to take a breath ~ because I stand in awe.  These words are so true.  Because our God is with us, for us, all about taking care of His family ~ nothing can stand against us.  Our God is powerful.  He knew our name before we were in our mother's womb.  Yes, He knew your name.  And, because of you ... He sent His son.

Today almost 2000 years ago... Jesus rose from the dead ... showing the world who He is and always will be.

What are you doing with your eternal life?

Coming Back ...

Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? The John 20:7 tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head of that stony coffin.

So you know this must be important.   

In order to see the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition.

When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it. The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was finished.

If the master were done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, "I'm done."  

But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because ~

The folded napkin meant, "I'm coming back!"

The Master was coming back.

So Jesus was telling the world by folding His napkin ~ 


Shiny ... Pink ...Sneakers & Baseball

Shiny ... Pink ... Sneakers  & Baseball

Yes, you got it.  Tonight as Nathaniel's baseball team warmed up, another league was finishing a game on our field.  The league is part of the special olympics league ... and man ... did they inspire me.

And, it was more than just the players ... it was their coaches, the volunteers, and most of all the fans.  

Here Erin and I sat between 2 fields.  2 completely different games.  To the front of us was Sam's league.  A little girl wearing her shiny pink sneakers.  And, when she crossed home plate ... boy did she mean it!  

Behind us ... 2 travel teams playing.  And, one coach yelled to a 10 year old player, "You gotta learn how to catch that ball, boy." (Nasty attitude to fit those nasty words!)  Also, parents on cell phones, others gossiping~ and the ones who were watching the game were either bad winners or bad losers! So Sad.

So, we focused our attention to the front ... Parents cheered! Brothers and Sisters screamed in joy as the ball was hit and the runners took their bases.  

1.  Everyone got to hit the ball. Even if the pitcher (a volunteer) had to throw 10 balls ~ everyone got a hit!
2.  Everyone got on base!  
3.  Everyone got to score! Yes, they got to experience the rush of crossing home plate!

And, just when you think, "It can't get better than this!"  Erin sees that every time the batter hits the ball, the pitcher was throwing another ball behind his to either third base, short stop, or second.  Then the fielder who caught the ball would throw it to first.

The basics of the game.  And, you know what ... they were doing better than some professionals.  They were capturing the essence of the game.  America's Game ~ America's favorite past time.  Just like apple pie, baseball is something that belongs to us.

There was so much joy, pure excitement.  It was amazing.  And, I cried.  I admit it ... there were tears shed between Erin and I.  

I am okay with that.  So ... at the end of the game ... to go against what Tom Hanks said in A League of Their Own, there can be crying in baseball.

Just another day?

Was today just another day?  Will tomorrow bring anything special with it?  If you wake up ... you'll know it was a gift.

A gift to do something with.  Yes, each day is meant to be an interactive gift.  Those are the best kind.  

Think back to Christmas or your birthday ~ when you open your presents, what thoughts go through your mind.  

If you are a little boy ~ maybe you are hoping for a new bike ~ something you can get out there and ride on, or perhaps, a new baseball and glove ~ something you can get out and play catch with your dad and friends.

For little girls, a new baby doll to love, dress, change ~ or, maybe one of those easy bake ovens to bake and decorate cakes with your mom and your friends.  Isabella's (our daughter) favorite is always her new art supplies ~ because she knows she is ready to create a masterpiece.

The gifts we remember, the excitement we feel are for those gifts that require actions.  BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED!  We are creating memories.  Think of the movie Toy Story ~ any of the 3.  Andy loves is toys ... he is creating amazing stories and memories through play or action.

When we have to take possession of something, we are more likely to use it, remember it, and implement it!

The gifts that just sit on a shelf collecting dust ~ sure they might look pretty, they might bring fond memories of someone we care about giving us a special gift.  But, they just sit and collect dust.

Do you want your life to collect dust?  Or do you want to create a masterpiece with it?  God did.  He is waiting for you to continue the story.


The Great ...  What is "The Great"?

Alexander The Great ...

The Great and Wonderful Wizard of Oz ...

What made these people great?  What 1 more thing could they have done to becomeOUTSTANDING?
Taking another step up ... to reach the top of the slide. What are you willing to do ... to leave behind in order to achieve OUTSTANDING?

As I mentioned yesterday ... in life, people tend to do what is necessary to avoid pain rather than doing something to GAIN PLEASURE !
The same can be said for greatness.  People avoid leaving greatness to achieve a level of outstanding.  Greatness becomes comfortable.  Greatness is the normal for us.  If I achieve greatness, then I have done something with my life.

Does this sound like you?

What if the difference between greatness and being outstanding was 1 small step?  And, you know what, most of the time it is.

What is huge ~ the REWARDS!

So, what exactly do I mean?  

Being a Parent.  A great one versus an Outstanding one.

A great parent takes his/her kids to the ball games, friends' houses, movies, out to eat, gives them the iPhone, iPod, all the latest gadgets, TV's in the bedrooms, etc.  It seems like they are doing a great job, right?

An OUTSTANDING parent turns the TV off, the electronics off every once in awhile.  We have a deal in our house.  We each pick a night to watch TV.  That is 4 nights the TV is on. Guess what! The other 3 nights ~ we are playing outside, playing the Superbowl Monopoly when the Giants beat the Patriots!, Guess Who, UNO, Old Maid, Legos, and the favorite TROUBLE! We talk to our kids and we also listen to them(and hear what they are saying)!

A Great Spouse ... Financially taking care of the family.  Taking care of the household responsibilities.  Remembering your anniversary! Taking date night every once in a while.  Thinking of your spouse while at the store and bringing them home a surprise.  WE all want a great spouse, right?

I have an OUTSTANDING spouse.  And, I believe I am an OUTSTANDING spouse.  Putting the computer aside and just sitting on the couch after the little ones are in bed ~ talking, reading together.  Making date night important ~ no kid talk or work talk.  Being present in the moment.  Knowing it isn't always about the material things. Would my wife rather have a new car or time with me?  

(Many of you are probably saying the CAR!)

A Great Human Being vs. An Outstanding Human Being ...

I want your feedback here.  Let me know where you feel you can leave greatness behind and become truly outstanding.  When you become outstanding, you are one of the few ~ compared to one of the many.

Gaining ...

By gaining ... or success ... what are you afraid of losing?

I recently asked a coaching client this question.  And, the answer came with tears.  It was an all of a sudden kind of thing ... the wall came crashing down.  Yes, there was a breakdown ...

But, then the rainbow blossomed over the sky ... A BREAKTHROUGH!

This is a pattern many of us fall into.  We do things out of fear ~ the fear of losing rather than the pleasure of gaining.  We want to "avoid the pain."  No one likes to get hurt?  Pain, yuck!  Do you run from the bee or do you run toward it?  Come on, I'm crazy right?  Running toward the bee?

Now, please don't take this literally.  I am not looking to see a story on the news about how 100's of people went chasing after bees!

WE MUST FOCUS ON THE PLEASURE ~ the goal ~ the achievement.

1.  Working out ... it can hurt.  Yes, as we push our muscles, stretching them, it burns.  So, most of us associate pain to working out.

Instead of the pleasure ~ of wow ~ I am getting my body into shape.  I am going to feel so good, so healthy! I am adding years back to my life!

2.  Getting caffeine, sugar, fast food out of your system ... THE WITHDRAWLS, the HEADACHES, the BODY ACHES .... ohhhhhhhhhh.  Makes me hurt all over just thinking about.

NOW FOCUS.  How good do you feel?  Healthy?  Feels good to accomplish your goal right?  Mentally and physically.  It is a natural adrenaline rush!

3.  Getting up an hour early for your "quiet time."  Whether you need to some alone time, time to just sit & think, pray, read your Bible, journal ~ or just watch the sun come up ...  I NEED THAT EXTRA HOUR OF SLEEP!  I can't function without it.

YES YOU CAN.  Right now, all I can picture in my mind is the Little Engine that COULD.  I think I can. I think I can.  KNOW in mind before you set your alarm tomorrow to get up earlier that you are going to accomplish great things with that extra hour to live ~ that extra hour to be awake and to do something amazing with!


Goal Driven

n life we get so busy doing "tasks" that we forget about the ultimate goal.  Today is the day to focus on being GOAL-DRIVEN instead of being task-driven.

Huh?  How are these 2 phrases different, right?

Let me give you an example to explain where I am coming from.

This is a scene most have seen at a restaurant, movie theater, park, etc.  A family sits together, waiting to be served lunch, waiting for the movie to begin, or just "chilling on a blanket in the sun at the park.

This seems like a normal scene.  Yet, what makes me take a second look ... each one of them is looking down ... thumbs in position ... they are texting, emailing, facebooking, etc ... NO ONE IS TALKING!

This family is task-driven ... taking care of the emails, the work, the friendships ~ yet, what are they missing?  THE GOAL ~ a strong family who communicates!  A strong family who knows each other.  Instead, Dad is going to get it some day ... when he gives his little girl away and realizes he doesn't know her, when his son graduates college and he realizes he has no idea who his son is.  

"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?" Luke 9:25

The tasks ... work, laundry, cleaning, emails, facebook ~ thinking you are doing something good ~ well, because you aren't doing anything bad.  Right?  You are working those late nights to take care of your family ~ giving them "worldly" possessions.  

The tasks ... you are running your kids from basketball to baseball to dance to art to karate to school to field trips to friends' houses ... so they have a "better quality of life," to give them what their friends have, to give them more than what you had.

"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?" Luke 9:25

The goals ... raising our children in a way where they can be confident, understand the importance of communication, know what love really is ... so they create a good cycle.

The goals ... A family who loves each other ~ A strong family ~ A family who stands strong ~ A family who beats temptation ~ A family who positively impacts the world!

So, today are YOU focusing on the tasks or on the goal?

Appreciation ~ beautiful thing!

Are you thankful for the valleys just as much as you are grateful for the mountains/peaks?

We've all heard expressions such as ... "If there wasn't saddness in the world, then we wouldn't know happiness."
This in my opinion is true.  We must be able to distinguished between the 2 ... now how we handle both situations ~ the valleys and the peaks of life ... can be very much the same.


Why?  Shouldn't we be hurt when someone let's us down?  How about getting mad when things don't go "our way"?  Or, even ticked off when someone calls us a bad name, steals our parking spot, cuts us off, takes credit when credit is due to us?  Sad, when our child does something wrong? Spouse cheats? Someone steals from us? Hits us? Hurts us? And, anything else "bad." 
All of these situations, experiences if you will, may be the valleys of our life.  Yet ... have you ever considered that these are set ups for miracles to happen.  These are the way to clear the path ... ready for the miracles to come directly to us!

That is why ... in my experience ... when we are grateful for any set backs (as set backs are part of moving forward) that happen in life.  Set backs mean you are taking action!

Appreciation is a beautiful thing!

Friday, April 15, 2011

T E A M ~ Together Everyone Achieves More!

Team Keith here this morning ... Keith wanted this to be posted this morning and right now he is on Daddy Call, with a sick little man who has been coughing all night.  And, right now, he just wants his Daddy.

We can take a lesson from children ~ almost constantly.
1.  Their passion for life.

2.  They take action immediately!

3.  They look to their parents for support when they are sick or need something ... but they also come to us when things are going well ~ like a high-five after a great hit at the baseball game or a "WOOO-HOOO at the soccer game after a great save at the goal.

When we surround ourselves with people who love us, support us ~  life seems to go so much easier!  When you must make a decision ~ that must come from you.  Then you have your team around you ~ guiding you, cheering for you!  Your team is ready to give you a high-five when you succeed. 

It is important to surround yourself with the right people ~ positive people, people who believe in you and your strengths.

This is something that is important to Keith.  He has been there ~ fighting to suceed when others are tearing him down, only using him to get what they want.  And, eventually, he had to let those people go.  HE had to MAKE the DECISION.  And, when he did, the right team fell into place. 

A transformation occurred!

And, with that transformation you know you can do anything when you are on the right path, with the right people guiding you, and you have people there to help you celebrate ~

Remember, even when it is going awesome, someone helped you get there. Remember to say thank you. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Waking Up

 When we wake up, we don't know exactly what the day holds in store for us.  This morning, like every other morning at 5:30, Erin was up doing her Bible Study.  She finished her devotion just in time as Patrick was up earlier than normal, which cut into her exercise time. 

But, God had something different planned this morning ~ as the air is cool, crisp, and clean. 

You know you don't live in the city when your neighbors horses get out. Opening the curtains this morning ... YES, one of our neighbors horses was galloping down the road at 6:15.    (Our subdivision borders a farm.)

Everything and everyone was in exactly the right place ~ Erin threw on her sneakers, put Patrick in his high chair, gave him some Cheerios, and asked Isabella to sit with him. (Our 2 other boys were still asleep.) I put on some jeans and shoes, preparing to take a ride over to the neighbors. 

And, out the door Erin went.  She got to go for her morning jog afterall!  She found the horse; he happend to be hiding between 2 houses. He was not a happy camper.  He was kicking and bucking ~ running in circles.  He was definitely in a state of confusion.  He ran up to the fence ~ he wanted back in to his security.  The grass was definitely NOT greener on our side of the fence!

When he took off running toward the main road, Erin yelled we needed to get in the car ~ but then we saw him running back.  He really wanted to get home.  Seeing he didn't have on a halter, there was not much Erin could do "to catch him".  And, not wanting to scare him, Erin walked with him.  And, she was looking for how he got out. 

Part of the fence had collapsed.  The horse walked right by it ~ looking at his friends whose heads were sticking out over the fence.  He nozzled 2 of them.  A very cute moment in the midst of the "chaos" he was causing. 
"Cornering" him in, Erin gently guided him back over the fence.

Well, Erin got her morning run!  And, we got a lesson.  Sometimes we run away from what we really want ~ only to realize that we were exactly where we needed to be (and wanted to be).

The plan has been beautifully laid before us.  We must take the first step.


Good news ... we woke up and everything and everyone was in the right place.  No loose horses this morning!

Perspective ... it is everything.  Have you ever been in a situation when you felt there was no hope ~ nothing you could do ~ like a situation is "sucking the life out of you" or that you are being tempted ... you can't "handle" the temptation. (Think of the Jack Nicholson scene from A Few Good Men.)

What do you do?  Sometimes we must leave a situation to gain strength ... so we can go back stronger ~ to conquer, to change lives, and let your light shine.

Is there a situation happening in your life right now like this?  Maybe at work?  Maybe with "friends"?  What do you do?  What are you supposed to do?

Recently coaching a gentleman who was doing an absolute mind dump during our time together ..."Boo-whoo me" was all I was hearing.

Finally, I had to take him out of his perception of the situation.  Pattern Interupt:  I like pink trains also!

HUH? That's right! I Like Pink Trains Also!  I know ... what was I saying.  I had to interupt his "boo-whooo" mentality.  I had to get him out of the situation ~ his feelings ~ so he could focus on everything good he had in his life.

I said to him ... What happened this morning?
He said to me ... Haven't you been listening?  It's been a crappy morning.  This and that.  That and this. 
I asked him, "What else happned this morning?"
He replied, "I don't think anything else ~ just the crappy stuff."
I whispered to him ~ "You woke up.  That's right.  You opened your eyes.  You woke up.  God gave you another day

Some people didn't wake up this morning. Some people don't have another day."
And, the silence spoke volumes. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Others ...

‎"not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."

Each day is an opportunity to impact another human being's life.  Take the time to do at least 1 thing each day for someone else.

And, send me some ideas of what you are doing for others ... this isn't an opportunity to brag.  This is an opportunity to share ideas ~ get the juices flowing for others.  Because you just might have an idea that we haven't though of yet!

Looking forward to hearing how you are inspiring and impacting lives!

Others ...

‎"not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."

Each day is an opportunity to impact another human being's life.  Take the time to do at least 1 thing each day for someone else.

And, send me some ideas of what you are doing for others ... this isn't an opportunity to brag.  This is an opportunity to share ideas ~ get the juices flowing for others.  Because you just might have an idea that we haven't though of yet!

Looking forward to hearing how you are inspiring and impacting lives!

Today is your breakthrough!

Today is the day to have your breakthrough. Choose it! And, remember, just because no one has done what you are meant to do doesn't mean you can't. Maybe, just maybe, God was waiting for you to be the first.

When we don't have the right voices in our head, it is typically because we don't have the right voices in our lives.  Do we place doubts in our hearts?  Usually our doubt comes from an outside source ~ we are listening to those who want to keep you down.

The CRAB effect!

If we only listened to ourselves (shutting off those who doubt, the situations that failed before us), we would believe we could do anything ~ just like our mommas told us!

So, we go from WE CAN! to Why Bother?

Please let me share with you 2 stories...

1)  Roger Banister ~ the first man to run a 4-minute mile.  With everyone telling him it was impossible, he would die, there is no way ~ HE DID IT!  

2)  Jesus brings a little girl back to life ~ Mark 5:35-43.  This story was shared a few weeks ago at my church and wow, it proves we, as human beings, give up on hope way too quickly.  

While Jesus was still speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler.  "Your daughter is dead," they said.  "Why bother the teacher any more?"  Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, "Don't be afraid; just believe."  He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James, and John.  When they came to the home of the synagogue ruler, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly.  He went in and said to them, "Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep."

But they laughed at him.  After he put them all out, he took the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was.  He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum!" (which mean Little girl I say to you, get up!) Immediately the girl stood up and walked around. At this they were completely astonished. 

He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat. (Mark 5:35-43)

This story is so powerful because the little girl's father went to see Jesus ~ to ask for healing touch for his sick daughter.  While he was in line, someone cut in front of him ~ and during that time, the daughter "died". 

Yet, Jesus didn't lose hope.  He knew a miracle was about to happen.  He boldly took action.  

We give up on hope ... because we are scared to hope, it can hurt, we are scared to believe.  We don't want to bother the teacher.


BOLDLY DARE TO ASK THE TEACHER! BOLDY TAKE ACTION ~  because when you hope, you have a miracle in progress!