Monday, April 25, 2011

Goal Driven

n life we get so busy doing "tasks" that we forget about the ultimate goal.  Today is the day to focus on being GOAL-DRIVEN instead of being task-driven.

Huh?  How are these 2 phrases different, right?

Let me give you an example to explain where I am coming from.

This is a scene most have seen at a restaurant, movie theater, park, etc.  A family sits together, waiting to be served lunch, waiting for the movie to begin, or just "chilling on a blanket in the sun at the park.

This seems like a normal scene.  Yet, what makes me take a second look ... each one of them is looking down ... thumbs in position ... they are texting, emailing, facebooking, etc ... NO ONE IS TALKING!

This family is task-driven ... taking care of the emails, the work, the friendships ~ yet, what are they missing?  THE GOAL ~ a strong family who communicates!  A strong family who knows each other.  Instead, Dad is going to get it some day ... when he gives his little girl away and realizes he doesn't know her, when his son graduates college and he realizes he has no idea who his son is.  

"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?" Luke 9:25

The tasks ... work, laundry, cleaning, emails, facebook ~ thinking you are doing something good ~ well, because you aren't doing anything bad.  Right?  You are working those late nights to take care of your family ~ giving them "worldly" possessions.  

The tasks ... you are running your kids from basketball to baseball to dance to art to karate to school to field trips to friends' houses ... so they have a "better quality of life," to give them what their friends have, to give them more than what you had.

"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?" Luke 9:25

The goals ... raising our children in a way where they can be confident, understand the importance of communication, know what love really is ... so they create a good cycle.

The goals ... A family who loves each other ~ A strong family ~ A family who stands strong ~ A family who beats temptation ~ A family who positively impacts the world!

So, today are YOU focusing on the tasks or on the goal?

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