Thursday, April 14, 2011

Waking Up

 When we wake up, we don't know exactly what the day holds in store for us.  This morning, like every other morning at 5:30, Erin was up doing her Bible Study.  She finished her devotion just in time as Patrick was up earlier than normal, which cut into her exercise time. 

But, God had something different planned this morning ~ as the air is cool, crisp, and clean. 

You know you don't live in the city when your neighbors horses get out. Opening the curtains this morning ... YES, one of our neighbors horses was galloping down the road at 6:15.    (Our subdivision borders a farm.)

Everything and everyone was in exactly the right place ~ Erin threw on her sneakers, put Patrick in his high chair, gave him some Cheerios, and asked Isabella to sit with him. (Our 2 other boys were still asleep.) I put on some jeans and shoes, preparing to take a ride over to the neighbors. 

And, out the door Erin went.  She got to go for her morning jog afterall!  She found the horse; he happend to be hiding between 2 houses. He was not a happy camper.  He was kicking and bucking ~ running in circles.  He was definitely in a state of confusion.  He ran up to the fence ~ he wanted back in to his security.  The grass was definitely NOT greener on our side of the fence!

When he took off running toward the main road, Erin yelled we needed to get in the car ~ but then we saw him running back.  He really wanted to get home.  Seeing he didn't have on a halter, there was not much Erin could do "to catch him".  And, not wanting to scare him, Erin walked with him.  And, she was looking for how he got out. 

Part of the fence had collapsed.  The horse walked right by it ~ looking at his friends whose heads were sticking out over the fence.  He nozzled 2 of them.  A very cute moment in the midst of the "chaos" he was causing. 
"Cornering" him in, Erin gently guided him back over the fence.

Well, Erin got her morning run!  And, we got a lesson.  Sometimes we run away from what we really want ~ only to realize that we were exactly where we needed to be (and wanted to be).

The plan has been beautifully laid before us.  We must take the first step.

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