Saturday, April 9, 2011

Facing the Giants ...

We've all been there ~ yes, a fork in the road.  2 paths to choose from.  2 doors.  2 different scenarios that could impact your life either way.

So, what did Yogi Berra say, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."

As funny as it sounds, he is right.  Either way, you gotta take it ~ otherwise you are turning around, going back, living life in your rearview mirror. 

Today, I want to share with you a scene from the book and movie, "Facing the Giants." (And, I apologize for the length ~ but this scene gives me chills every time I see it or think about it~ it is powerful!)   
To set up the scene for you ~ Grant is a high school football coach at a small Christian School.  After 6 losing seasons, the "better" players are leaving for "better" teams.  Morale is low.  And, his job isn't secure.  Parents want wins.  Grant is dealing with a lot at home as well.  Money is low.  The house is falling apart.  The car doesn't want to start. And, he and his wife are trying to get pregnant, but it just isn't happeing.  Yet, Grant has his faith.  Now, how does he transfer that faith to a team that has lost its heart.

Chapter 19:  Something Burning

Grant could see his team was tired.  The humidity had a way of sapping a person's energy. He decided to utter a short sentence or two, something to underline what he'd proposed earlier in the locker room, and then he'd let the boys head home.

"Ohhh, man, Brock!"
Grant turned in time to catch his defensive captain dumping a cup of water over Matt Prater's head.  The others laughed.  ...
Grant put his hands on his hips, waiting for their attention.
"Sorry, Coach." Brock was still chuckling.
"You guys think you're ready to play Westview on Friday?"
"My old school." Matt wrinkled up his face.  "Buncha blowhards."
Another player asked, "So Coach, how strong is Westview this year?"
"A lot stronger than we are," Brock said.
"You've already written Friday night down as a loss, Brock?"
"Well, not if I knew we could beat 'em."

Grant glanced away.  An uneasy silence settled over the field, save the chirping of birds in the oaks along the chain-linked fence.  He wondered the best way to handle this challenge to his new team philosophy.  The others looked up to this kid.  He was strong, likable, a natural leader.

"Come here, Brock." Grant gestured with his hand.  "You too, Jeremy."
Both players looked at each other before standing and moving forward.

"What?" Brock asked.  "Am I in trouble now?"
"Not yet."

Brock strode toward the goal line.  His wrists were taped, and he felt imposing in his shoulder pads. ...
What's Coach got in mind? I want this day to be over.
His teammates were watching him. 

"I wanna see you do the death crawl again."  Grant said.  "Except I wanna see your absolute best."

"What you want me to go to the thirty?"
"I think you can go to the fifty."
"The fifty?" ... "I can go to the fifty, if nobody's on my back."
I think you can do it with Jeremy on your back." Grant reached into his own pocket(and pulled out a cloth).  "But even if you can't I want you to promise me you're gonna do your best."
Brock Shrugged, "All right."
"your best?"
"You're gonna give me your best?" Grant said again.
Brock was annoyed.  "I'm gonna give you my best."
"All right. One more thing." Grant stepped forward and circled a cloth around his head.  "I want you do it blindfolded."
"'Cause I don't want you givin' up at a certain point when you could go father."

... (Jeremy gets on Brocks back.  His fingers hooked into the sleeves of Brock's jersery.)

"Keep you knees off the ground. Just your hands and feet.  There ya' go."
Brock lumbered ahead like a giant tortoise.  The heat bore down on him.
He envisioned the fifty-yard line, and it seemed like a mile away.  But he was determined.  He was spurred on by the catcalling of his teammates from the left.  "Come on, Brock." 


(the sweating, the heat, the muscles burning ~ Brock didn't know where he was but he was focusing on "keeping going."   He focused on Coach Grant's voice, "You got more in you than that!  Your very best!
Maybe Coach was right.  Maybe he could make it all the way to the fifty
"He's heavy," Brock cried. 
Coach dropped down beside him.  "I know he's heavy."
"I'm outta strength."
"Then you negotiate with you body to find more strenth."  Coach was right there, moving with him, guiding him along.  "But don't you give up on me, Brock.  YOU keep going, you hear me? YOU keep going.  YOU're doing good! You keep going. "
"It hurts!"
"I know it hurts.  You keep going.  You keep going."
(The pain.  The burning.  Coach Grant was there all the way.)
"Ten more steps"
"Five more steps"
"Two more"
"One more"

"Brock gasped and collapsed forward, landing on his face.  The weight rolled off his back, but his chest kept heaving with sobs.  "That's gotta be the fifty.  That's gotta be the fifty.  I don't have any more."
The blindfold was being peeled from his eyes.  His arms and legs were throbbing, wasted.  Nothing but jelly.
"Look up, Brock." His coach stretched out on the ground, facing him. "You are in the end zone."

That's right folks ... 50-yard line was the goal.  100 yards is what he actually did.

In life, we have so much more to give.  We can accomplish so much more.  We just have to believe we can.  So, when you get to the fork in the road.  Take it.

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