Monday, April 25, 2011


The Great ...  What is "The Great"?

Alexander The Great ...

The Great and Wonderful Wizard of Oz ...

What made these people great?  What 1 more thing could they have done to becomeOUTSTANDING?
Taking another step up ... to reach the top of the slide. What are you willing to do ... to leave behind in order to achieve OUTSTANDING?

As I mentioned yesterday ... in life, people tend to do what is necessary to avoid pain rather than doing something to GAIN PLEASURE !
The same can be said for greatness.  People avoid leaving greatness to achieve a level of outstanding.  Greatness becomes comfortable.  Greatness is the normal for us.  If I achieve greatness, then I have done something with my life.

Does this sound like you?

What if the difference between greatness and being outstanding was 1 small step?  And, you know what, most of the time it is.

What is huge ~ the REWARDS!

So, what exactly do I mean?  

Being a Parent.  A great one versus an Outstanding one.

A great parent takes his/her kids to the ball games, friends' houses, movies, out to eat, gives them the iPhone, iPod, all the latest gadgets, TV's in the bedrooms, etc.  It seems like they are doing a great job, right?

An OUTSTANDING parent turns the TV off, the electronics off every once in awhile.  We have a deal in our house.  We each pick a night to watch TV.  That is 4 nights the TV is on. Guess what! The other 3 nights ~ we are playing outside, playing the Superbowl Monopoly when the Giants beat the Patriots!, Guess Who, UNO, Old Maid, Legos, and the favorite TROUBLE! We talk to our kids and we also listen to them(and hear what they are saying)!

A Great Spouse ... Financially taking care of the family.  Taking care of the household responsibilities.  Remembering your anniversary! Taking date night every once in a while.  Thinking of your spouse while at the store and bringing them home a surprise.  WE all want a great spouse, right?

I have an OUTSTANDING spouse.  And, I believe I am an OUTSTANDING spouse.  Putting the computer aside and just sitting on the couch after the little ones are in bed ~ talking, reading together.  Making date night important ~ no kid talk or work talk.  Being present in the moment.  Knowing it isn't always about the material things. Would my wife rather have a new car or time with me?  

(Many of you are probably saying the CAR!)

A Great Human Being vs. An Outstanding Human Being ...

I want your feedback here.  Let me know where you feel you can leave greatness behind and become truly outstanding.  When you become outstanding, you are one of the few ~ compared to one of the many.

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