Monday, April 25, 2011

Appreciation ~ beautiful thing!

Are you thankful for the valleys just as much as you are grateful for the mountains/peaks?

We've all heard expressions such as ... "If there wasn't saddness in the world, then we wouldn't know happiness."
This in my opinion is true.  We must be able to distinguished between the 2 ... now how we handle both situations ~ the valleys and the peaks of life ... can be very much the same.


Why?  Shouldn't we be hurt when someone let's us down?  How about getting mad when things don't go "our way"?  Or, even ticked off when someone calls us a bad name, steals our parking spot, cuts us off, takes credit when credit is due to us?  Sad, when our child does something wrong? Spouse cheats? Someone steals from us? Hits us? Hurts us? And, anything else "bad." 
All of these situations, experiences if you will, may be the valleys of our life.  Yet ... have you ever considered that these are set ups for miracles to happen.  These are the way to clear the path ... ready for the miracles to come directly to us!

That is why ... in my experience ... when we are grateful for any set backs (as set backs are part of moving forward) that happen in life.  Set backs mean you are taking action!

Appreciation is a beautiful thing!

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