Thursday, April 14, 2011


Good news ... we woke up and everything and everyone was in the right place.  No loose horses this morning!

Perspective ... it is everything.  Have you ever been in a situation when you felt there was no hope ~ nothing you could do ~ like a situation is "sucking the life out of you" or that you are being tempted ... you can't "handle" the temptation. (Think of the Jack Nicholson scene from A Few Good Men.)

What do you do?  Sometimes we must leave a situation to gain strength ... so we can go back stronger ~ to conquer, to change lives, and let your light shine.

Is there a situation happening in your life right now like this?  Maybe at work?  Maybe with "friends"?  What do you do?  What are you supposed to do?

Recently coaching a gentleman who was doing an absolute mind dump during our time together ..."Boo-whoo me" was all I was hearing.

Finally, I had to take him out of his perception of the situation.  Pattern Interupt:  I like pink trains also!

HUH? That's right! I Like Pink Trains Also!  I know ... what was I saying.  I had to interupt his "boo-whooo" mentality.  I had to get him out of the situation ~ his feelings ~ so he could focus on everything good he had in his life.

I said to him ... What happened this morning?
He said to me ... Haven't you been listening?  It's been a crappy morning.  This and that.  That and this. 
I asked him, "What else happned this morning?"
He replied, "I don't think anything else ~ just the crappy stuff."
I whispered to him ~ "You woke up.  That's right.  You opened your eyes.  You woke up.  God gave you another day

Some people didn't wake up this morning. Some people don't have another day."
And, the silence spoke volumes. 

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