Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sweetest Sound ...

What is the sweetest sound in the world?

For me ~

1. God's voice~when I am still enough to hear it.

2. My own~when I am ecouraging myself~that I can accomplish anything.

3. Last night this one revealed itself to me ~ Erin sining Jesus Loves Me to our little Patrick in the middle of the night. Patrick is teething and had a rough night. As soon as he heard Erin's voice, he became peaceful and drifted back to sleep.

Do you know your sweetest sound?  What have you done lately to make it part of your everyday life ... creating your inspiration!

Giant Challenges

Sorry for the lateness in the post today ... Internet was on and off this morning.  Just one of those things that we sometimes have to deal with!  I wonder what life would be like without Internet .... emails ... text ... cell phones.

It might just be a quiter life.  But, then I know I wouldn't have been able to connect with you in such an unique place with special opportunities to impact even more lives!

We all face "Giant Challenges" in life ... thing/situations/people we feel are too big for us.  And, when those situations happen, those people come into our lives ... we begin to hope that this time it will be different.  But, what are we doing in our lives to make it different.

It is our attitude that will make the situation different ~ because we will be measuring the results from a new perspective ~ a fresh perspective.  Today is the right time to get the right voices in your life!  And, the first voice is yours!

One of my coaching clients used to tell me, "Keith, I am scared to hope."  Why was he so scared to hope?  When we have hope, we have belief.  And, when we have belief we leave behind the excuses!
So today ~ find your hope.  Cause with it, you'll find your belief.  And, with your belief, you will find your ability to take action!

When we are faced with a difficult situation, measure the positive, what can you learn, how can you benefit, what can you share ~ because then you'll always be 110%!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Getting to the Top of the Stairs ...

You may have heard of the Aladdin Factor ~ you know, "You must ask to receive."

There are so many instances, so many literary comments, Bibical principles to back this up.  Among all of that ... there is a simple exercise to show the ultimate glory of what happens when you ask.

If you are parent, a grandparent, step-parent, aunt, uncle, etc ... Stand at the top of a staircase ~ with your children, grandchildren, stepchildren, nieces, nephews, etc., at the bottom of the stairs.

Tell them, "You have to get up to me, to the top of stairs to be with me. You have to get all the way to the top without touching the stairs, using the banister, the walls. You can't touch anything."

Now, wait.  See what your child does.  How do they get up to the top with you?

The answer is so simple ... all they have to do is ask. "Daddy, please come carry me up the stairs."

Try this exercise with the little ones in your life.  Watch the magic that happens.  Just as our children must ask them to come get them ~ we must ask our Father to come get us.  We must ask to receive eternal life.  He is always with us, but if we want His arms wrapped around us ... we must ask.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Amazing Love ...

Last night I was re-reading the notes I have posted over the last year ~ and Valentine's Day 2010 ~ this was something that I shared.  The words, "Amazing Love ..." swept over me ~ consuming my inner most spirit.  And, I knew in my heart (and in my head) that someone needed this today.

Just as we each have purpose ~ so do our words, so does our love.  Make today count!  

What a beautiful thought. Each day we have here on Earth is full of purpose. You are meant to do something great every day you are able to take a breath. 


As Valentine's Day draws near, we think about those we love, we like, we are grateful for, we are in love with, and maybe those we once loved. 

Have you ever taken the time to think of who your ultimate Valentine is? The who gave us (you and me) purpose? We get to choose our direction ~ which path we take. But, who creates those paths, puts those paths before our feet, and lights the one that will bring us Amazing Love and Joy. Who gave the ultimate gift of life! 

Think of the words from a beautiful song, "Amazing Love ... How can it be? That you my King would die for me?" 

What direction ~ what path are you being led to? When are you ready to take necessary actions to take that lit path before your feet?

Belief is an every day kind of thing!

"Huh?  What?  Belief ... an every day kind of thing ... Ah, you mean I gotta have faith everyday!?!?!?!"

Does this sound like you?  Or, maybe this is how you feel?  Like some days it is just not worth getting out of bed ... making the effort ... putting the smile on your face.
Well, guys, I got news for you!  It is worth it.  Every moment.  Yes, every single moment.  

Each extraordinary moment ~ each time you laugh so hard you cry ~ each time you cry with a friend ~ each time someone says, "I love you," ~ each time you glance into someone's eyes ~ each time your child's arms wrap around your neck ~ each time you see your spouse and heart skips a beat ~

Yes, that makes it all worth the effort.

You choose to believe, just as VCU puts another notch in their "win" book (beating Kansas!) ~ they believe. You could see it all over their faces, their smiles.  Even though their legs ache (you could tell because their shots were not making it all the way to rim as the end of the game neared), they believed.

Because you believe in something at all times.  If you say, "I don't believe in God," well you are believing "there is not a God."  Whatever you choose to believe today ~ go out there and believe it 100%!  Because as our little green friend with big ears says, "Either do or do not ... there is no try."

Erin saw a great sign in front of a church today ... "Atheists can only exist because God exists."  What do you believe today?

Do you believe?

"But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.'  Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds."
March Maddness is in full swing.  And, in 9 days we will have the NCAA Men's Champion.  I am sure that many brackets have been thrown in the garbage ~ the upsets, 3 of the top seeds are out, and a little school named VCU.   

Erin and I were really hoping to see University of Kentucky vs. Syracuse in the Regional Final game ... Well, the Orange lost to Marquette ... And, Erin is still in the game as she bleeds true blue.

Last's nights game was AWEsome!  Yes, we watched ... well, I watched as Erin paced.  She believed in her team ~ she kept saying Kentucky is going to win ... And, boy did they!  They beat the overall number 1 seed ~ a big, huge accopmplishment since all the so-called "experts" were calling for Kentucky to go out early ...

Yet, to win that game ... they had to believe in themselves.  And, they did.

Now ... let's think about the little school that has ... VCU.

When the NCAA Selection Committee unveiled the brackets ... chaos happened.  These "experts" including big names like Dick Vitale ~ put the Committee down ~ calling for their heads because they put VCU in the BIG DANCE.  No one thought they deserved the at-large bid ~ but here they are.  They are in the Elite 8 ... Playing tomorrow to be a part of the Final 4!

They believed above what the "experts" were saying!  They have taken their belief a step above ~ they have taken action on their faith.  And, look at the magnificent journey they are creating!

What do you believe?  Right now ... where do your beliefs lie ... And, what actions can you take right now to
show your beliefs ~ show your faith!

We are still bleeding blue in this house ~ but let's see UK vs. VCU!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

No Pockets ...

Today's Inspiration is simple ...    

There are no pockets in Heaven.

So, today, who can give that extra smile, maybe a hug, share your lunch.

Proverbs 17:17 ~ A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.

My affirmation for today, "Use me today to reach those who have a need so that I can impact their lives ~ that my action may be a testimony for their life."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Open Your Senses!

The smell of coffee is flowing throughout the house.  Man, does it smell awesome!  Definitely opening my senses ~ and putting the "AWE" in "AWESOME" for today.  Not that I drink the stuff ~ Erin loves it. She has been drinking it since she was about 2.  She has memories of eating at a diner with her grandparents on Long Island ~ Stan and Joe's.

Whenever she tells me stories, shared memories about this place and her grandparents ~ She lights UP!  She is definitely watching the "movie" in her head.  She can smell the bacon cooking and can hear the clanging of the dishes as they walk from the car.  She feels that warm, fuzzy feeling as they open the door.  AHHHHHHH ~ the taste of the coffee.  Well, now she realizes it was mostly milk and sugar!   

What are your fondest memories?  When you take a trip down "memory lane," are you taking the best from each situation? 
Are you opening your senses to your surroundings?

Take the time to remember those awesome moments ~ each piece of the puzzle ~ what do you see, what is being said around you, feelings, tastes, and most importantly smell!  Our sense of smell can bring us back to those glorious moments ~ moments we can use to inspire us to keep going, keep on keeping on!

The smell of the ocean for me ~ relaxing, enjoyment ~ My first date with Erin
The smell of Erin's homemade tomato sauce ~ the first meal she cooked for me.
The smell of gasoline, exhaust, and tires (along with the smell of hot dogs and pretzels) ~ Walking around NY City!
The smell of "hospital clean" ~ the day I decided to focus on LIVING instead of not dying.

Use your nose today ~ let it guide your positive memories ~ so that you can keep on keeping on ~ down your path, focusing on your purpose ~ Putting a smile on your face!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Put the "Awe" back in "Awesome!

Where's your Passion .... Lately, I have been seeing a lot of status updates on FB that just say "Blah."

Now, what does that mean?  This is one of the most beautiful times of year ~ and you are just feeling "Blah."  YUCK!
Even if you aren't feeling "Blah," you might need to put a bit of "Awe" back in your life ~ because you are feeling a bit "luke warm."  And if you are "luke warm," You are the biggest challenge!  

Yes, you might think those "Blah" people would be ... but give me a cold or "blah" person any day over someone who just says, "I don't know" or "I don't care".

Most people are going through life "blah" or lukewarm because we have become complacent in life - everything has become common to us.  We don't get excited about "new technology" ~ we just expect to get the newest gadget.  We don't get excited when our kids do well in school ~ we just demand it.  We assume the flowers will always smell good.

So, how do you get the beautiful colors back in the sky ... how do you get the flowers to smell amazing ... the coffee to taste phenomenal ... your spouse/partner to look breathtaking again?

1.  Decide you are more than just about surviving in the world ~ you want to make a difference ~ a Positive Impact!

2.  Make the change to see beauty, hear the orchestra, smell the brownies baking, feel the boom of the fireworks.

3.  Boldy Believe there is purpose in everything and everyone!

4.  Encourage others ~ Share your boldness with those around you! 

5.  Appreciation ~ be Grateful for each moment.  No moment is ordinary ... rather each moment is Extraordinary!

Now ... let's take a walk together.  Hear the birds.  Feel the breeze.  Do you smell the salty, ocean air?  Watch the waves of opportunity and excitement roll in.

We are putting the "AWE" back in "Awesome!"

Monday, March 21, 2011

What's Your Word Worth?

nspirational Integrity ... Sounds interesting right?

It is.  Has anyone ever asked you, "What is your Word worth?"   When you say you are going to do something ~ is it a struggle to accomplish it or do you do it with a smile on your face and in your heart?

Something I have noticed over the last couple of years ... people are not holding true to their word.  They seem to think that it is okay to not show up for a meeting, be late for a phone call (with no reason), lie, misrepresent, not be responsible for the monies they owe, etc.

And, this something that my coaching clients are experiencing across the country.  They keep saying to me, "Why?"

Is it a lack of integrity?  It is just because they don't care?  Maybe we are all too consumed with day-to-day life? Overwhelmed and Overcomitted?

What we fail to realize, is that when we do these things, we are holding back opportuntiies and blessings for ourselves and others.  And, I know we can learn so much from seeing life from the eyes of a child.    

Quick Story ~ 2 years ago, our daughter, Isabella (9 years old at that time), accidently broke Erin's sunglasses.  Instead of hiding it, she showed them to Erin.  Erin comforted her ~ it was just an accident.  And, to make sure she is more careful in the future so she doesn't get hurt.  A few minutes later, Isabella goes to her room and brings back her piggy bank.  She takes 10  1-dollar bills out and hands them to Erin.  She wanted to pay for the glasses. 

Thinking about it ~ still brings tears to my eyes. 

Erin told Isabella how grateful she was for her heart.  And, just how much she appreciated her being responsible.  She "took" the money and put it an "special" envelope so Isabella could see that her mommy was open to her appreciation. Big hugs!  Lots of kisses!  What a proud mommy!  They decided they would go together to pick out new glasses.

When Isabella went back to playing  ~ Erin's eyes welled up with tears, she put the money back in Isabella's bank. Erin didn't want to take the money ~ she only wanted Isabella to know that she appreciated what she was doing.

Erin was truly INSPIRED by Isabella's INTEGRITY.

And, I realized how much of an impact we have on our children ~ and what an amazing daughter we have.

The First Day of Spring ...

The first day of spring ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Awesome morning at church and now, sitting with the windows open, the breeze blowing, kids playing on the floor ~ and March Maddness in the background.

This is a perfect day. 

And, there goes the light bulb.  Everyday can be a perfect day.  It is perfect ~ just as we are each "perfect in our own imperfections."  How blessed we are to each be so unique and so loved.

The kids have been saying all day, "Spring has Sprung!"  You can tell ~ there is a renewed attituded everywhere ~ with people, in nature, in the air.

Spring ... this is the time of year we focus on renewal or rebirth as we watch the flowers bloom and listen to the birds "tweet".  Yet, each day we are blessed with a renewal ~ a new day!  And, when we decide to live our lives according to a new plan, a new focus we have gone through a rebirth.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."   John 16:33

Today, you can decide to take a new direction, a new path.  What path will that be?  Will you find a "new" you? Or, maybe you will find the "real" you! 

Dedication ... what does that word mean to you?

Dedication ... what does that word mean to you?

When you are dedicated, you see something through ~ to the end, with a smile on your face!

I know I share a lot about Erin ~ I am proud of her ~ as a woman, a wife, a mother, and her dedication to serving as a child of God.  

On January 3, our church began a 21-day fast, The Daniel Fast.  She was eating only fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds & water ~ food from the earth.  She eliminated sugar, caffeine, dairy, breads, sweets ~ you know ~ the good stuff.

During this time, she had her heart and ears open to the next steps.  And, she felt called that once the church fast was over ~ to wait a week and begin it again, then wait a week and do it a third time. Wow ~ 3 separate 21 day fasts !

I watched in awe as she dedicated this time to eating what she was supposed to ~ no questions, no complaints.  Even when Isabella and Nathaniel had birthday cake, even as we had sushi,  then Valentine's Day rolled around ~ no candy.

I know it wasn't easy ~ the cravings, the caffeine headaches, her body detoxing from all the "stuff"~the toxins we put in our bodies on a regular basis.  Yet, through the leg cramps, unable to sleep ~ she stuck with it. 

How easy is to to give up on our goals?  When it gets hard, can we just say "I give up...I want to do something different now."  There is so much reward when we see things through ~ all the way ~ accomplishment.

She feels so amazing this morning. Day 22 ~ the first day off the fast for the third time in a row!  And, again, I am so proud of her dedication.  God has blessed her through this process.  She lost the baby weight from BOTH Patrick and Aiden.  She feels more energetic.  Her skin and eyes are brighter and more vibrant.  Her heart and mind are closer to God ~ and oh boy, her intuition has picked up tremendously.

Dedication means sticking through the pain ~ and smiling through it.  No complaints ~ only focusing on the glory. 

Today ~ is a new day ~ what will your focus be?  What will you be dedicated to?  What will you be dedicated to with a smile on your face?


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Amazing TRUE Story

This story has been shared through emails for quite some time.  It always brings chills to my body and tears to my eyes as I know it will yours.  It is powerful.

Even if you have read it before, please take the time today to read it again.   Feel what it is sharing with you.  Because you have purpose.  You are a child of the great kingdom!  

Amazing TRUE story! 

A seminary professor was vacationing with his wife in Gatlinburg , TN. One morning, they were eating breakfast at a little restaurant, hoping to enjoy a quiet, family meal. While they were waiting for their food, they noticed a distinguished looking, white-haired man moving from table to table, visiting with the guests. The professor leaned over and whispered to his wife, "I hope he doesn't come over here."

But sure enough, the man did come over to their table. 

"Where are you folks from?" he asked in a friendly voice. 
"Oklahoma," they answered. 
"Great to have you here in Tennessee," the stranger said. "What do you do for a living?" 
"I teach at a seminary," he replied. 

"Oh, so you teach preachers how to preach, do you? Well, I've got a really great story for you."  And with that, the gentleman pulled up a chair and sat down at the table with the couple. 

The professor groaned and thought to himself, 'Great .. Just what I need ... another preacher story!' 

The man started, "See that mountain over there? (pointing out the restaurant window). Not far from the base of that mountain, there was a boy born to an unwed mother. He had a hard time growing up, because every place he went, he was always asked the same question, 'Hey boy, Who's your daddy?' Whether he was at school, in the grocery store or drug store, people would ask the same question, 'Who's your daddy?'" 

He would hide at recess and lunch time from other students. He would avoid going in to stores because that question hurt him so bad. "When he was about 12 years old, a new preacher came to his church. He would always go in late and slip out early to avoid hearing the question, 'Who's your daddy?'"

"But one day, the new preacher said the benediction so fast that he got caught and had to walk out with the crowd. 

"Just about the time he got to the back door, the new preacher, not knowing anything about him, put his hand on his shoulder and asked him, 'Son, who's your daddy?'

"The whole church got deathly quiet. He could feel every eye in the church looking at him Now everyone would finally know the answer to the question, 'Who's your daddy?'

"This new preacher, though, sensed the situation around him and using discernment that only the Holy Spirit could give, said the following to that scared little boy.. 'Wait a minute! I know who you are! I see the
family resemblance now, You are a child of God.' 

"With that he patted the boy on his shoulder and said, 'Boy, you've got a great inheritance. Go and claim it.' 

'With that, the boy smiled for the first time in a long time and walked out the door a changed person. He was never the same again. Whenever anybody asked him, 'Who's your Daddy?' he'd just tell them, 'I'm a
Child of God.'"

The distinguished gentleman got up from the table and said, "Isn't that a great story?"

The professor responded that it really was a great story! 

As the man turned to leave, he said, "You know, if that new preacher hadn't told me that I was one of God's children, I probably never would have amounted to anything!" And he walked away.

The seminary professor and his wife were stunned. He called the waitress over & asked her, "Do you know who that man was -- the one who just left that was sitting at our table?" 

The waitress grinned and said, "Of course. Everybody here knows him. That's Ben Hooper. He's governor of Tennessee!"

Someone in your life today needs a reminder that they're one of God's children! 

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of God stands forever.~Isaiah 


Please share this story ~ as I felt the need to share it with you today. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believed in him would not perish, but have everlasting life. 

It's Your Attitude ~ Choose Wisely

As you wake up this morning, do you know what your day holds in store for you?  You might have plans, right? But, can we control each moment of our day?

No.  But, what we can control is our attitude.  And, I have to say it may take some extra "focus" to get your attitude to a postiive place.

In my experience it is "easier" to fall in to those feelings of doubt, self-pity, confusion. So, how do we alter our attitude?

I had a coaching client recently ask me, "Why I am such a loser? I keep attracting the wrong people into my life.  Do I have a loser-magnet on my forehead?"

First thing I said, "You gotta change the attitude."

Is this person a loser?  No.  Are they choosing to feel self-pity? YES!

Changing the words we use ~ our language is key.  So, I continued ... "Right now, get rid of the word loser.  You are a human being.  You have purpose. You are a Winner! You must take those negative, loser thoughts~ put them in a bubble and send them far, far away."

My coaching client proceeded to ask me, "Why do the same type of people show up and How do I attract the right people in my life?"

The same things may keep showing up in your life because you haven't quite gotten the lesson ~ your reaction may stink ~ it may not be where it needs to be.  As a Christian, I believe that God will allow things to happen to us to see our reaction, so He knows, we learned our lesson!  Do we keep going back to that abusive (verbal or physical) relationship?  Do we keep trusting with our hearts instead of using our brains?  Do you party instead of study?  Do you watch TV instead of talking to your children?  Do you play on the computer instead of sitting with your spouse?

Now, for attracting the right people to help you keep that positive attitude.  Write down the top characteristics you want in a spouse, in friends, in business partners, in an employer.  This works.  I know from first-hand experience.  I wrote down everything I wanted in a spouse ~ and I got it (plus).

It must be taken farther than just writing it down.  I had to be the person to attract that into my life.  I had to know I was worthy of a wonderful spouse and business partner.  I had to have the right attitude.

Something I share in my seminars ~ you are the sum total of the 5 closest people in your life. We are a Direct Reflection of our Peer group! So, it is important to surround ourselves with people we strive to be like ~ those we can learn and grow from.

What is your attitude today?

No matter what happens today ~ you choose your attitude.  Choose wisely!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What do stories share with us?

I am guilty ... Yes, guilty as charged. 

Recently, I was accused of telling too many stories ~ in my speaking and in my writing.

Well, maybe not so guilty because I don't just "tell" stories; I share stories!  Stories are a way that we learn. Even more than just learning, they are a way that we see how others implemented the information I share with you. If stories didn't work then millions of people wouldn't turn on the TV each night, books wouldn't have been written, facebook wouldn't be so popular.

So ... today I want to share a story that I share with most of my coaching clients because we all need a bit of inspiration when it comes to time management.  This is a story of someone who is mastering time management ~ prioritizing. 

Imagine living in a house where you and your spouse are both entrepreneurs.  You have 4 children (1 is pre-teen, 1 is almost double digits, 1 is potty-training, and 1 is still nursing).  Whew ~ takes my breath away just thinking about it!

Oh, did I mention that this person homeschools the kids and serves as the director of marketing for her husband's company while still maintaining her own clients, cooking, cleaning, team soccer mom, baseball mom, volunteer, kids church, and the list goes on. So, I asked her for some tips that I could share with you.  Here are her words ...

"1.  Schedule ~ find one that works for you and stick to it.  This is what works for me.
             I am up at 5:30 am for Devotional Time.
             6 am every morning ~ exercise time
             7 am Kids up for breakfast
             7:45 am Homeschool
             We take the first 30 minutes to focus on handwriting and review work so I can take care of the little ones ~ get them settled for the day.
             10:15 am Recess (15 minute break for MOM!)
             11:00 am Homeschool
             Noon  ~ Lunch and Recess!
             12:45 ~ Go over the day, review, set homework
              1:30 pm ~ babies nap! (work time)
        between 1:30 and 3:30pm I get work done for my business while 2 babies nap, older kids do special activities, etc.
              3:30-4:30 pm  I finish everything from day, complete other tasks, plan.
              5:00 pm  Dinner

2.  Write everything down.  I know it seems silly but it helps keep your mind focused on what you need to accomplish each day.  I use a daily planner ~ and it helps so much.  And, prioritize!
      Some people have suggested to do the harder or longer things first ... but sometimes to feel that sense of accomplishment I want to be able to cross more off my list to give the inspiration to do that "harder" thing.  So, I  will prioritize from day to day to do first what will inspire me to keep going.  **Avoid frustration!**

3.  It is okay to ask for help!

4.  Remember to take time for You each day ~ even if it is only 10 minutes a day.  Do something for you.  Light a candle while you are taking a shower.  Take a quick walk to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine or the cool night air. 

5.  It is okay to say "No."  If you have too much on your plate ~ don't take anything else on.  Too much on your plate only leads to chaos!

6.  The different between stretching yourself and chaos ~ Sometimes, we need to stretch ourselves so we know just how much we are capable of!

When I feel stretched ~ I focus on the goal.  How great I am going to feel when I accomplish my goals, my dreams.  I see how proud my husband and children will be.  I focus on when I get to Heaven, I will hear such simple words, 'Job well done.'  Gives me goosebumps imagining it."

These are ideas I have personally seen work for her and most likely they will work for you.  All you have to do is implement them.  Implementation is key.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Forward

Happy Monday to everyone!  Are you getting used to the Spring Forward?  Think of that phrase again ~ Spring Forward!

Love it ~ taking the action to spring (not just move) forward.  Where can you spring forward in your life?  What actions can you take to move 1 step closer to your goals?  Maybe it is realizing what your goals are ~ what you truly desire to do with your life.

The book and the movie, Eat Pray Love, has brought a revitalization attention to the power of mediation and prayer.  The most powerful part of meditation and prayer is that everyone can do it.  

Some have asked me what is the difference between meditation and prayer ... This is my opinion and experience.  

Meditation focuses on emptying the mind.  Prayer focuses on filling it up with good, positive, and Godly things.

The meditation part must happen in prayer as well ~ we need to empty the negative in order to fill it with good, amazing things.

I recommend you spend (at least) 1% of your day focusing, meditating, and in prayer.  That is only 14 minutes a day. You Can do that right!  

This is perfect for those who are searching for their dreams, for the next path to take, and those looking for a sign.  So, let's say you are working a "J-O-B" and you want more.  But, you aren't sure what you want.  (let me share with you that you do know what you want ~ deep down you do ~ we just have to bring it to the surface, past all those fears and uncertainty)

Take those moments before you get out of bed or just when you lay down to meditate.  Focus on your breath ~ in and ... and ... out.  Can you feel it?  Breathe with me.  

Now, as you let your fears fade away ~ you begin to think about those things you want in life ~ that path your heart is leading you towards.  Is this the right path for you?  Picture and Feel what your life would look like if you take the path (now is the time to think of everything ~ the good and the not so good).  Picture and Feel what your life would be if you don't take that path. 

What do you see?  What is being said to you?  How do you feel going down each path?  We are giving your mind a target.

Now, Pray.  Ask God to fill your heart and your head (the head part is important because sometimes our hearts can be deceived) with guidance and what you need in your life to know which path is the right path.

When you prayer time is over, take a minute to journal.  We want to watch for patterns and "aha" moments.

I am looking forward to hearing about your "aha" moments ~ and where your path will lead you!