Thursday, March 10, 2011

So that I may say thank you ...

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."  Hebrews 13:2
 During my devotional time with Erin last night, we came upon this verse.  And, it reminded us of a story.  I know I am full of them.  This is one of those defining moments, when God steps in and says, "I am here. And, I have a purpose."

Six years ago, while Erin and I were setting up for one of our seminars (in San Diego), we were unloading the car with some last minute items.  The venue was this little property called Marina Village ~ From our meeting room, I could see the car, and since my hands were full, I left the trunk open.  All that was left in trunk was my briefcase and cooler full of yogurt, granola, and water.  Who would want to steal that?

Well, a homeless person did.  Somehow he picked up the cooler and my briefcase and took off on his bike.  It was a sight to see him pedal off.  I love that I can laugh about it! 

I was glad in a way that I could feed him ~ but I wanted my briefcase back.  It had all my notes for our seminar!  I explained the story to our paricipants ~ we were blessed with a great day.  Neither Erin nor I needed our notes.  We just went with the flow!

When we wrapped up the day, I noticed a homeless man looking in the dumpster on the other side of parking lot.  (As a side note, this property for known for putting on weddings ~ so always lots of left over food!)  Erin and I went up and spoke with him.  He was veteran from the Gulf War, a Christian man, who just ran into "bad luck."  We shook his hand ~ which made him smile.  We talked for awhile and I explained the story.  He said he would keep his eyes open for the briefcase.  We ended our conversation with a hug, and we gave him a few things including my business card.

Erin and I went to dinner to celebrate a blessed day.  When we returned home, there was a voice mail.  A gentleman at one of the local marina stores found my briefcase outside his door.  And, he looked in and found my business cards.

Wow!  Still give me chills.  When we picked it up that evening around 10, I found that the only things taken were markers and cologne.  My belief is that someone needed to write a resume for a job interview!

I know in my heart that if I had not shown kindness nad understanding earlier in the day ~ I would not have recieved my blessing of a returned briefcase. 

I believe I met an angel that day.  I am always watching for that angel so that I may say thank you!

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