Monday, March 28, 2011

Belief is an every day kind of thing!

"Huh?  What?  Belief ... an every day kind of thing ... Ah, you mean I gotta have faith everyday!?!?!?!"

Does this sound like you?  Or, maybe this is how you feel?  Like some days it is just not worth getting out of bed ... making the effort ... putting the smile on your face.
Well, guys, I got news for you!  It is worth it.  Every moment.  Yes, every single moment.  

Each extraordinary moment ~ each time you laugh so hard you cry ~ each time you cry with a friend ~ each time someone says, "I love you," ~ each time you glance into someone's eyes ~ each time your child's arms wrap around your neck ~ each time you see your spouse and heart skips a beat ~

Yes, that makes it all worth the effort.

You choose to believe, just as VCU puts another notch in their "win" book (beating Kansas!) ~ they believe. You could see it all over their faces, their smiles.  Even though their legs ache (you could tell because their shots were not making it all the way to rim as the end of the game neared), they believed.

Because you believe in something at all times.  If you say, "I don't believe in God," well you are believing "there is not a God."  Whatever you choose to believe today ~ go out there and believe it 100%!  Because as our little green friend with big ears says, "Either do or do not ... there is no try."

Erin saw a great sign in front of a church today ... "Atheists can only exist because God exists."  What do you believe today?

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