Monday, March 28, 2011

Do you believe?

"But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.'  Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds."
March Maddness is in full swing.  And, in 9 days we will have the NCAA Men's Champion.  I am sure that many brackets have been thrown in the garbage ~ the upsets, 3 of the top seeds are out, and a little school named VCU.   

Erin and I were really hoping to see University of Kentucky vs. Syracuse in the Regional Final game ... Well, the Orange lost to Marquette ... And, Erin is still in the game as she bleeds true blue.

Last's nights game was AWEsome!  Yes, we watched ... well, I watched as Erin paced.  She believed in her team ~ she kept saying Kentucky is going to win ... And, boy did they!  They beat the overall number 1 seed ~ a big, huge accopmplishment since all the so-called "experts" were calling for Kentucky to go out early ...

Yet, to win that game ... they had to believe in themselves.  And, they did.

Now ... let's think about the little school that has ... VCU.

When the NCAA Selection Committee unveiled the brackets ... chaos happened.  These "experts" including big names like Dick Vitale ~ put the Committee down ~ calling for their heads because they put VCU in the BIG DANCE.  No one thought they deserved the at-large bid ~ but here they are.  They are in the Elite 8 ... Playing tomorrow to be a part of the Final 4!

They believed above what the "experts" were saying!  They have taken their belief a step above ~ they have taken action on their faith.  And, look at the magnificent journey they are creating!

What do you believe?  Right now ... where do your beliefs lie ... And, what actions can you take right now to
show your beliefs ~ show your faith!

We are still bleeding blue in this house ~ but let's see UK vs. VCU!

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