Monday, March 28, 2011

Amazing Love ...

Last night I was re-reading the notes I have posted over the last year ~ and Valentine's Day 2010 ~ this was something that I shared.  The words, "Amazing Love ..." swept over me ~ consuming my inner most spirit.  And, I knew in my heart (and in my head) that someone needed this today.

Just as we each have purpose ~ so do our words, so does our love.  Make today count!  

What a beautiful thought. Each day we have here on Earth is full of purpose. You are meant to do something great every day you are able to take a breath. 


As Valentine's Day draws near, we think about those we love, we like, we are grateful for, we are in love with, and maybe those we once loved. 

Have you ever taken the time to think of who your ultimate Valentine is? The who gave us (you and me) purpose? We get to choose our direction ~ which path we take. But, who creates those paths, puts those paths before our feet, and lights the one that will bring us Amazing Love and Joy. Who gave the ultimate gift of life! 

Think of the words from a beautiful song, "Amazing Love ... How can it be? That you my King would die for me?" 

What direction ~ what path are you being led to? When are you ready to take necessary actions to take that lit path before your feet?

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