Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What gifts will you share today?

Wow ~ I must say I feel pretty good about writing these every day.  One~ it is a sense of accomplishment.  Two, it reminds me of all of my blessings.  Three, I have gotten some great feedback (some of you have chosen to respond through a private message ~ and I am doing my best to get back to each of you by the end of today!)!

Today, as we see everyday, there is a mixture of emotion.  There are 3 key situations my family and I have been through in the last 2 days.

One:  My father's health.  Most of us deal with a sense of difficulty as we see our parents or loved ones get older.  My father who is a diabetic with a heart condition has had some recent health issues.  Sunday, I decided to share my concerns with my core group of friends at church.  They prayed for him and put him on the church prayer list.  Wow ~ I love that support.  It is so important.  On Monday, my father had to have surgery ~ a catherization on the heart.  The doctors saw that he had a blockage and that was causing him difficulty in breathing and problems with his legs. (Plus, they wanted to make sure his bypass from 20 years ago was still in good shape.)  On Monday afternoon, I received a call from my sister.  My father had been in surgery for less than 1 hour.  The doctors couldn't find any blockage and the bypass was in perfect condition!  AWESOME ~ the power of prayer ~ and even more so when we are in agreement in those prayers!  BLESSINGS!

** I learned that it is okay to be transparent and be vulnerable.  Share my hurts, my fears.  It is okay to ask for help.

Two:  my earthly rock (Erin) has injured her back.  As a "typical" woman, doing too much, taking too much on ~ she was holding our 22 pound turkey (Patrick) while she was running.  Ten minutes into her thirty minute workout she felt a pop in her back.  And, guess what, she kept going ~ thinking the pain would subside.  And, it doesn't.  Now, she is in pain, can't move.  And, you know the kids ~ daddy just doesn't do it the same way mommy does.  She is a trooper.  She keeps going as much as she can. 

** I can learn from her strength.  From her ability to push through the pain.

Three:  Erin's Kentucky Grandfather "Pop" went to spend his time with Jesus yesterday afternoon.  I know that must sound a bit confusing.  When Erin's family moved to Kentucky ~ her family became very close to the Donaldson family.  And, Vicki's parents were part of the package.  Mimi and Pop became Erin's Kentucky Grandparents (since her grandparents were in New York).  Her heart hurts just as if she lost a biological grandparent. Yet, she has this amazing understanding and knows that Pop is dancing in the streets of gold.

** I love how her family is not just those she is related to by blood ~ her family consists of those who are close in her heart. There are blessings in every situation ~ even if we don't quite know what they are yet.

Despite the mix of emotions today ~ I know there is still so much to learn and so much to share.  Who can you learn from today?  What blessings are you ready for?  What gifts will you share with the world? Who can you contact and tell them how you feel? And, how can you be more vulnerable and Transparent?

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