Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What do stories share with us?

I am guilty ... Yes, guilty as charged. 

Recently, I was accused of telling too many stories ~ in my speaking and in my writing.

Well, maybe not so guilty because I don't just "tell" stories; I share stories!  Stories are a way that we learn. Even more than just learning, they are a way that we see how others implemented the information I share with you. If stories didn't work then millions of people wouldn't turn on the TV each night, books wouldn't have been written, facebook wouldn't be so popular.

So ... today I want to share a story that I share with most of my coaching clients because we all need a bit of inspiration when it comes to time management.  This is a story of someone who is mastering time management ~ prioritizing. 

Imagine living in a house where you and your spouse are both entrepreneurs.  You have 4 children (1 is pre-teen, 1 is almost double digits, 1 is potty-training, and 1 is still nursing).  Whew ~ takes my breath away just thinking about it!

Oh, did I mention that this person homeschools the kids and serves as the director of marketing for her husband's company while still maintaining her own clients, cooking, cleaning, team soccer mom, baseball mom, volunteer, kids church, and the list goes on. So, I asked her for some tips that I could share with you.  Here are her words ...

"1.  Schedule ~ find one that works for you and stick to it.  This is what works for me.
             I am up at 5:30 am for Devotional Time.
             6 am every morning ~ exercise time
             7 am Kids up for breakfast
             7:45 am Homeschool
             We take the first 30 minutes to focus on handwriting and review work so I can take care of the little ones ~ get them settled for the day.
             10:15 am Recess (15 minute break for MOM!)
             11:00 am Homeschool
             Noon  ~ Lunch and Recess!
             12:45 ~ Go over the day, review, set homework
              1:30 pm ~ babies nap! (work time)
        between 1:30 and 3:30pm I get work done for my business while 2 babies nap, older kids do special activities, etc.
              3:30-4:30 pm  I finish everything from day, complete other tasks, plan.
              5:00 pm  Dinner

2.  Write everything down.  I know it seems silly but it helps keep your mind focused on what you need to accomplish each day.  I use a daily planner ~ and it helps so much.  And, prioritize!
      Some people have suggested to do the harder or longer things first ... but sometimes to feel that sense of accomplishment I want to be able to cross more off my list to give the inspiration to do that "harder" thing.  So, I  will prioritize from day to day to do first what will inspire me to keep going.  **Avoid frustration!**

3.  It is okay to ask for help!

4.  Remember to take time for You each day ~ even if it is only 10 minutes a day.  Do something for you.  Light a candle while you are taking a shower.  Take a quick walk to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine or the cool night air. 

5.  It is okay to say "No."  If you have too much on your plate ~ don't take anything else on.  Too much on your plate only leads to chaos!

6.  The different between stretching yourself and chaos ~ Sometimes, we need to stretch ourselves so we know just how much we are capable of!

When I feel stretched ~ I focus on the goal.  How great I am going to feel when I accomplish my goals, my dreams.  I see how proud my husband and children will be.  I focus on when I get to Heaven, I will hear such simple words, 'Job well done.'  Gives me goosebumps imagining it."

These are ideas I have personally seen work for her and most likely they will work for you.  All you have to do is implement them.  Implementation is key.

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