Monday, March 7, 2011

When you know who you are, you know what to do!

Good afternoon my friends ...  It is cloudy, cool day here in Nashville but our home is full of warmth, love, and sunSHINE!

Over the last month, my posts (on my personal facebook page) have typically focused onBeing Who You Are, because we have all asked the questions, "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?"

Have you found your answers? YES!  AWESOME!  

Are you still searching?  KEEP IT GOING (and let me know if I can help)!

I heard a great phrase today, and it sums up what I have been sharing with you ~ about being who you are ~ When you know who you are, you know what to do!

And, let's take that a little bit further.  You know what to do, but are you doing what you know?  Aha!  The action part.  Yes, I consistently encourage you to take action.  Because, we are not taking action, someone else is taking it for us (and we probably won't like the results)!

We all have to make decisions ~ each and every day.  What to eat ... what to wear ... Should I go to that party? Will it look bad if I go to lunch with that person?

Decisions, Decisions!  Some may be tougher than others.  Or are they?  What decisions, what actions are you ready to make (to take)?  When it comes to decisions, most of us want to make the right ones ~ because we want to do things that are good for us and for those around us.   Our decisions reflect who we are.

A inspirational thought ~ We don't have to talk ourselves into the right decisions.  When we make the right decision, it sits well with our souls!  You can feel it. 

Tomrrow, we will continue on this path ~ as I know the importance this subject has had in my life ~ in my family's life.

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