Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Put the "Awe" back in "Awesome!

Where's your Passion .... Lately, I have been seeing a lot of status updates on FB that just say "Blah."

Now, what does that mean?  This is one of the most beautiful times of year ~ and you are just feeling "Blah."  YUCK!
Even if you aren't feeling "Blah," you might need to put a bit of "Awe" back in your life ~ because you are feeling a bit "luke warm."  And if you are "luke warm," You are the biggest challenge!  

Yes, you might think those "Blah" people would be ... but give me a cold or "blah" person any day over someone who just says, "I don't know" or "I don't care".

Most people are going through life "blah" or lukewarm because we have become complacent in life - everything has become common to us.  We don't get excited about "new technology" ~ we just expect to get the newest gadget.  We don't get excited when our kids do well in school ~ we just demand it.  We assume the flowers will always smell good.

So, how do you get the beautiful colors back in the sky ... how do you get the flowers to smell amazing ... the coffee to taste phenomenal ... your spouse/partner to look breathtaking again?

1.  Decide you are more than just about surviving in the world ~ you want to make a difference ~ a Positive Impact!

2.  Make the change to see beauty, hear the orchestra, smell the brownies baking, feel the boom of the fireworks.

3.  Boldy Believe there is purpose in everything and everyone!

4.  Encourage others ~ Share your boldness with those around you! 

5.  Appreciation ~ be Grateful for each moment.  No moment is ordinary ... rather each moment is Extraordinary!

Now ... let's take a walk together.  Hear the birds.  Feel the breeze.  Do you smell the salty, ocean air?  Watch the waves of opportunity and excitement roll in.

We are putting the "AWE" back in "Awesome!"

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