Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's Your Attitude ~ Choose Wisely

As you wake up this morning, do you know what your day holds in store for you?  You might have plans, right? But, can we control each moment of our day?

No.  But, what we can control is our attitude.  And, I have to say it may take some extra "focus" to get your attitude to a postiive place.

In my experience it is "easier" to fall in to those feelings of doubt, self-pity, confusion. So, how do we alter our attitude?

I had a coaching client recently ask me, "Why I am such a loser? I keep attracting the wrong people into my life.  Do I have a loser-magnet on my forehead?"

First thing I said, "You gotta change the attitude."

Is this person a loser?  No.  Are they choosing to feel self-pity? YES!

Changing the words we use ~ our language is key.  So, I continued ... "Right now, get rid of the word loser.  You are a human being.  You have purpose. You are a Winner! You must take those negative, loser thoughts~ put them in a bubble and send them far, far away."

My coaching client proceeded to ask me, "Why do the same type of people show up and How do I attract the right people in my life?"

The same things may keep showing up in your life because you haven't quite gotten the lesson ~ your reaction may stink ~ it may not be where it needs to be.  As a Christian, I believe that God will allow things to happen to us to see our reaction, so He knows, we learned our lesson!  Do we keep going back to that abusive (verbal or physical) relationship?  Do we keep trusting with our hearts instead of using our brains?  Do you party instead of study?  Do you watch TV instead of talking to your children?  Do you play on the computer instead of sitting with your spouse?

Now, for attracting the right people to help you keep that positive attitude.  Write down the top characteristics you want in a spouse, in friends, in business partners, in an employer.  This works.  I know from first-hand experience.  I wrote down everything I wanted in a spouse ~ and I got it (plus).

It must be taken farther than just writing it down.  I had to be the person to attract that into my life.  I had to know I was worthy of a wonderful spouse and business partner.  I had to have the right attitude.

Something I share in my seminars ~ you are the sum total of the 5 closest people in your life. We are a Direct Reflection of our Peer group! So, it is important to surround ourselves with people we strive to be like ~ those we can learn and grow from.

What is your attitude today?

No matter what happens today ~ you choose your attitude.  Choose wisely!

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