Monday, March 14, 2011

Moments of Magic

What a beautiful day ~ When you woke up this morning, what were you focusing on?

Did you wake up thinking, "Gosh, I really could have used that hour of sleep that 'I lost'!"?

Or, maybe you didn't get up this morning until your "normal time".

I woke up focusing on "Wow, the sun is going to be out 1 hour later than yesterday!" And, it totally gave me the start that I needed.

  • Out of Bed ~ 6:30 am
  • Family Breakfast ~ 7 am
  • Ready for Church 
  • Out the Door  ~ 8:30 am
  • Serve at Church ~ 9 - 10:30 am
  • Church ~ 11 am
  • Lunch ~ Noon
  • Baseball Practice ~ 1 - 2:30 pm
  • Home ~ NOW

Awesome day!  Full of precious memories and enjoying the journey.  Definitely not saying that today was perfect ~ of course there was a moment of frustration.  And, it was that moment of frustration that turned into a moment of magic.     
My Magical Bunch!

Since we had to go from church to lunch to baseball ~ we decided to eat lunch out.  As family, we gathered up the kids and headed into a local (chain) restaurant.  It didn't seem too busy for a Sunday after church.  Walking in the door, the hostess asked how many.  And, Erin promptly (like a pro) said, 5 plus a high chair.  The hostess handed us the little buzzer and asked for the last name.  She didn't acknowledge how long the wait was.  So, being who I am, I asked, "How long of a wait?" (We were on a time-sensitive mission.)

The reply, "I don't know. Let me go walk around the restaurant."  Okay ... 3 minutes pass ... The reply, "20-25 minutes ... but it could be sooner.  Well, it will probably be sooner."

So, here is the frustration ... lack of communication!  

I look at Erin ... and since she is on a fast of only fruits and veggies and she could get a good healthy salad here ... I ask her "What do you want to do?"

"Here is fine.  We'll be okay ... by the time we load back into the car and drive somewhere else, the time will have passed."

I'm worried about the time.  You know those crazy thoughts go through your head.  So, I do what I tell my clients to do ~ put the thoughts in a bubble and blow them away!

5 minutes later ... we're sitting at a table putting in our order.  SO COOL!

But, wait.  There's more.  The true magic hasn't happened yet.  I notice an older gentleman sitting alone at the next table.  And, he is DEFINITELY watching us.  Aiden (our 2-year-old) keeps peeking at him.  Finally, I say to Aiden, "Wave at that nice gentleman."  

And, he does.  He smiles at him.  Waves again. Doing this amount 10 more times.   We get our drinks and Erin is getting the baby settled with some pears and cheerios when the gentleman comes over  to us ~ puts he hand on Erin's shoulder and says, "You know I came in here in a bad mood ~ now I am leaving in a happy one!"  This little old man smiled the biggest smile.  

We had purpose in being there today ~ among all the frustration and lack of communication ~ we were still able to let our lights shine so that one person would have a brighter, happier day.

Now that is a moment of MAGIC!

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