Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Hero ... Who is yours?

What does "hero" mean to you? Is it a leader, someone who gives back to the community, someone who speaks up for what he/she believes in? A role model for those who need guidance? Who is your hero and why?

A hero is all of these things for me ~ someone who thinks of others first and takes action by making them a priority. A hero is someone who stands up and speaks out for their belief ~ but does it in a way that doesn't make anyone else "feel wrong" for how they believe. A leader has strength, compassion, and is full of love. A hero doesn't have to shine to millions or be popular in a crowd. All they have to do is shine for that 1 life they are to impact at any given moment.

My Heroes: Jesus, My Wife (Erin), My Parents, My Children, and Walt Disney

I look forward to hear about who your heroes are and why!

Now, how can we take all those hero characteristics that we hold dear ~ and do something with it.

Proverbs 14:23 ~ All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. 

Even if my "reward" was simply feeling outstanding, being blessed with an awesome, supportive family ~ I know I would be wealthy.

It reminds me of 2 stores

First story is of 2 brothers.  One extremely "rich."  He was in the spot light ~ loving all the attention and material things. His brother(who was just your "everyday" guy and put others before himself) would write him letters ~ starting each one out, "To the richest man in the world,".  And, his brother would conclude each letter, "From the Wealthiest man in the world".

Second is an episode from Little House on the Prarie.  A company Charles did work for went bankrupt and couldn't pay him ~ leaving his family in debt, little food, and hope dwindling.

Yet, the family came together.  Charles got odd jobs for minimum pay; Caroline worked the farm.  Mary took a break from school to sew full time.  Laura did all the chores before and after school. And, yes, after a few weeks, they had enough money to pay their debt to the General Store, and even had some left over to purchase some sugar and other items. Mr. Oleson said to Charles, "You are truly the wealthiest man in Walnut Grove."

At that moment Charles was Mr. Oleson's hero.

Who is yours????

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