Monday, March 21, 2011

What's Your Word Worth?

nspirational Integrity ... Sounds interesting right?

It is.  Has anyone ever asked you, "What is your Word worth?"   When you say you are going to do something ~ is it a struggle to accomplish it or do you do it with a smile on your face and in your heart?

Something I have noticed over the last couple of years ... people are not holding true to their word.  They seem to think that it is okay to not show up for a meeting, be late for a phone call (with no reason), lie, misrepresent, not be responsible for the monies they owe, etc.

And, this something that my coaching clients are experiencing across the country.  They keep saying to me, "Why?"

Is it a lack of integrity?  It is just because they don't care?  Maybe we are all too consumed with day-to-day life? Overwhelmed and Overcomitted?

What we fail to realize, is that when we do these things, we are holding back opportuntiies and blessings for ourselves and others.  And, I know we can learn so much from seeing life from the eyes of a child.    

Quick Story ~ 2 years ago, our daughter, Isabella (9 years old at that time), accidently broke Erin's sunglasses.  Instead of hiding it, she showed them to Erin.  Erin comforted her ~ it was just an accident.  And, to make sure she is more careful in the future so she doesn't get hurt.  A few minutes later, Isabella goes to her room and brings back her piggy bank.  She takes 10  1-dollar bills out and hands them to Erin.  She wanted to pay for the glasses. 

Thinking about it ~ still brings tears to my eyes. 

Erin told Isabella how grateful she was for her heart.  And, just how much she appreciated her being responsible.  She "took" the money and put it an "special" envelope so Isabella could see that her mommy was open to her appreciation. Big hugs!  Lots of kisses!  What a proud mommy!  They decided they would go together to pick out new glasses.

When Isabella went back to playing  ~ Erin's eyes welled up with tears, she put the money back in Isabella's bank. Erin didn't want to take the money ~ she only wanted Isabella to know that she appreciated what she was doing.

Erin was truly INSPIRED by Isabella's INTEGRITY.

And, I realized how much of an impact we have on our children ~ and what an amazing daughter we have.

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